Wow! Things Take a Sharp Turn Today!

Last Update: March 09, 2011

Instead of writing about my job this time around, I'm going to write about an experience I had on the way home from that dreadful place!

I left there, being let go early (and another tiny pay-for-the-day,) and decided to take a back street.  Upon coming out of that street onto the busy Fowler Avenue, I met up with someone on a bicycle.  He made a comment and it caught my attention.

He was impressed with the motor on my bicycle and I gave him the information about it.  We talked about that and the fact that it only cost $122 plus shipping to get the kit from China.  It wowwed him!

"Well" he said, "It looks like I'm going to be on a bicycle for awhile!"

"Oh?  Where do you work?" I asked him.

 "I got laid off from my job.  I was a tin knocker."

This was the beginning of a long conversation in the middle of that street.  I too had jobs in sheet metal (the term tin-knocker is a sheet metal technician.)  That caught his interest and we went into conversation about our living find that both of us are living in RVs behind a friend's house.

I said to him, "You pay about $300 per month?"

His countenance beamed.  "Wow!  I can't believe this!  You've gotten completely into my mind!"

"That's what I pay." I told him.

We went on and on.  I told him what I had been going through.  He lost his car.  I lost my car which was the only thing I had from my mother who had passed.  He was born September 5th, 1958, I was born September 8th, 1959.  He is German.  I am German (but mixed with British and Italian too.)

We went into a long discussion about employment and its implications.  I told him about my website that my boss has effectively sussed using the weapon of fear against me.

Kyle and Jay, here in the Membership, strongly encourages me to put the website back up.  I will do that.  It's not deleted, just hidden behind a fake 404 Error Page.

I have all the more reason to put it up...this fellow, named Ralph Doerfling could possibly be my first sale this year at WA!

I told him...get a part-time job...just enough to carry you through.  That's exactly why he is out and around...looking for a dish washing job.  "That's OK, just keep your aspirations a secret from those who would seek to destroy those aspirations!"

"Go to my website (gave him the name) and get some new education under your belt!  Don't put all your eggs in the employment basket."

He said before we parted, "There is a definite reason why I was to go down this little street!  There you were!  I'm a new man now!  Thank you for coming up this street!"

We parted company.  He was obviously enlightened!  I'm happy for him!  He has a patented method in pool construction.

The way he peddled up Fowler Ave, I could tell he was now in 7th Heaven.  It brought joy to me to see him so excited and enthusiastically riding away in pursuit of that restaurant job.

I remembered his name and when I got home I searched it and put "Tampa."  The second listing in the SERPs that came up had his name, Tampa, and Patent office.  The guy wasn't lying.  There was his patent and now I have his address!  He lives just around the corner from where I live!

I can follow up with him now.  He begged me to teach him about marketing so he could do something with his patent.  His friend is also listed in the patent record.  He evidently has been living there with him all these years.  It was created in 1984 but never went anywhere due to neither one of them not knowing how to market it!

I hope this means a new Member here at WA.  I hope I can help him get his patent off the ground and both of us succeed here in marketing!  Time will tell.  I may now have a partner...time will tell...

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Meadow Breeze Premium
Very inspirational story...looking forward to hearing more. Sometimes when you reach out to someone, you get much more in return than you may have expected.
Rea Premium
Ah that's so touching...Providence?...All the best!
mmorales Premium
Daniel, it's great to see you with this positive upbeat attitude. Keep working toward your success and DON'T look back at the BS you have been going through, it will only bring you back to a place you don't want to be.
HardyFX Premium
Great story...please keep us updated on what happens.
Robg1 Premium
Nice story!