Affiiliates Reap What They Sow

Last Update: March 08, 2010


As Internet and Affiliate Marketers we have POWERFUL knowledge of the inner-workings of making money online. We can recognize an affiliate link from a mile away. We know WHY and how people create web-pages. We know WHY some web-pages are at the top of Google and WHY others on page 1,000,000!

So, does that mean that we AVOID affiliate links now knowing that we are going through a middle-man that will get a commission for his sale; and go straight to the primary source? God forbid! INSTEAD, being affiliate marketers we should do the OPPOSITE!

Some affiliate spent time and money putting that product or service or article or website in front of us! If it is something that we need and WANT to buy, we should BUY DIRECTLY FROM THEIR AFFILIATE LINK AND NOT BYPASS THEM!

Remember, you will REAP what you SOW! If you cheat another affiliate out of their commission, you TOO will be cheated out of your commission by someone else. 

 If you sow generosity and acknowledge someone else' work you TOO will REAP generosity and be acknowledged for you work!

 With that in mind...HAPPY MARKETING.

I am always available for help. My shoulders are broad. PM or post comment here at anytime!


Recommended resource that I love for the day: Davion Wong's Article Cash Robots - Only $7.00 Woth $1000!

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Shadders Premium
Absolutely right Daniel. Just like all of us, if someone has taken the time to put something together and get it in front of our eyes, and it is something we want, we owe it to our fellow "affiliates" to buy through their link. We all reap what we sow.
Peedsbornagain Premium
Hi Daniel ... thanks for this ... i totally understand about the helping other fellow internet marketers ..its the right thing to do ... cos he has worked hard for it ... always to remember --- what u give ..comes back to u 10 fold... cheers
thanks for the wonderful perspective
RogerW Premium
That's it Daniel. We can never do harm to others without doing equal harm to ourselves. It's a universal law. Have some gold mate.
sherbet penny Premium
Wise words and nice to read, great stuff.
sophia13 Premium
many thanks daniel, i love those broad shoulders of yours, sent you some more gold!