About Peedsbornagain
Joined March 2010
I am Sudeep, I love IM , playin my guitar , dancing salsa and hanging out with my friends and love my family and friends.

Everything you need is already inside you!

I am the person I wanna be around right now!

The Power is inside you , you are the miracle , be the miracle!
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DanielAB Premium

May God bless you Sudeep! Keep up the great work!

Peedsbornagain Premium
thanks and wish you the same .. Cheers .. congrats again for your 1st sales .. its an awesome thing isnt it
stegmasterj Premium
Have you been going through the training section. I've been looking at the squidoo training from Pot Pie Girl. I'll probably try my hand at that soon. Decided to promote starting a lawn care business as a testing ground while I'm learning.
Peedsbornagain Premium
yea ..lawn care business is an "Evergreen" market .. great goin .. and yep PotPieGirl .. is like a God in here .. its awesome .. let me know how it goes... I m just goin though the blogs and all ..while waitin for lesson4 to unlock
good luck
Roy Penrod Premium
Hi, Sudeep! Welcome to WA! And thanks for adding me as a buddy!
Roy Penrod Premium
My best tips are:
(1) Be patient. You can see some sales quickly, but it's going to take time to build a sustainable business.
(2) Work through the WA Action Plan.
(3) Pay close attention to what it says about 50% learning and 50% taking action. The taking action part ... that's important.

I'm doing good, Sudeep. I've made some sales and now I'm trying to take it to the next level.
Peedsbornagain Premium
we are all in this WA together .. its all goin well ..hows it goin for u in WA.how u been doin :)
Any tips?
ADO Premium
Very nice, more WoW players...lol, glad to have u as my buddy. Callmesottay is also a WoW player...just fyi.
ADO Premium
lets put it this way...things could be better, but they could also be worse. Life outside WA is what's motivating me to do well here. The one good thing I have now is my wonderful family. (WoW is good to go also...lol)
Peedsbornagain Premium
haha .. never short of WoW players... how u been doin at WA .. still waitin for lesson 3 tho .. lovin every moment of WA i hope.. take care .. so hows ur life been outside WA
Peedsbornagain Premium
cool man .. thats awesome .. that you are so motivated... we all are motivated here to give better and better lives for our family.. and ourselves too ... its great goin at WA... how r u doin in WA.. which lesson u at ? hope its goin great
callmescottay Premium
Hey Peeds, I saw your post in the action plan. I also saw your comment on ADO's profile. You play WoW as well? I'm doin my dailies as we speak =P Good luck w/ your internet marketing endeavors!