1 week in!

Last Update: December 11, 2009

Hi Peeps,


Just wanted to give you a quick update on my first week here at WA.

Its been very challenging, and confusing, but I feel I am starting tomake sense of what is actually going on now. FINALLY.

I have finished my first 8 lens (well the first draft anyway) and submitted 9 articles to E-zine. They keep coming back and rejecting them, which is a bit painful - but i just keep plugging away. Hopefully one of them will be approved soon.

My Lenses arent indexed yet, so its taking a bit longer than I thought. Check out my lensmaster page - hope you can take a look! Its pretty cool that I may look back on this post in a few months time and hopefully see a campaign which is making me money!


Hopefully I can get some feedback from you guys!

One a more personal note - i am struggling a bit with my 'property' business here in the UK. I stopped full time work over two months ago and havent earnt much money yet. Learnt alot though - but the bank balance is not looking great. I may have to start looking for a job in Feb 2010 if I dont see some results soon. I feel I have diversified a bit getting involved in IM. To be honest with you, I am very excited about it - i want to make my first sale pretty badly and make sure I am not wasting my time!

I have also joined a franchise selling plants (I know I had to swallow my pride a bit) and will be out once a week in the cold doing that. To be hinest with you - I have done my research and its a perfect little income earner if done correctly. Hopefully, IM, franchise and property will keep me afloat!

Thats it for now!!




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