1000+ Buddy Requests?! I want to be alone.

Last Update: September 16, 2009

WTF!? Over 1000 buddy requests.

I'm a loner. Sad but true.

Must be a bug. I'm not responding.

Don't be upset.

I don't care... really.


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kpfingaz Premium
Its not a bug...its the peopel that added you before Platinum that YOU didn't return the favor. I have exactly 666 buddy requests. A good video for this would be MJ's Leave Me Alone.
Dave B Premium
Nah, it was some kind of bug. There were people appearing who I know have left. It don't matter I'll just add people as they ask. I mean I assume you can refuse a request but that wouldn't be right IMO.
Internetgranny Premium
I don't think it's a bug. I think lots of people added you as a buddy because you're very knowledgeable and helpful on the forum. And Platinum seems to have turned all those, who have made YOU a buddy, into a buddy request that you should make them buddies. Hope this makes sense.
Ruggero Premium
It's your own fault, posting all those sexy girl pics! :P