need more action!

Last Update: March 22, 2010

hi everyone,

i have been here a couple of months almost and i just cant seem to take action.

i have been learning a massive amount about IM already especially in the article marketing but this is where the problem comes in.


i sit down at my PC every day and just draw a blank. everything i know about seems to have a high amount of competition with well established websites.

should i start a website?, should i just make a load of random articles?

i ask myself these 2 questions everyday and i simply don't know the answers so now I am asking here.

the problem i think I am having is being totally indecisive because i don't want to pick the wrong niche or the wrong technique then be here with nothing in a years time.

i have read potpiegirls tutorials and they are good for cash now i guess... problem is with my time being short a lot of the time due to my full time job and busy personal stuff (my girl lives in England and I am constantly dealing with immigration etc.) i want to spend as much time as possible building my own business.

i guess I am kinda asking for a bit of a step by step on getting running as I am sure when i get a couple of things done i will get on a roll.

I am doing the action plan at the moment but still the problem of my expertise already being well covered.

sorry for going on so long but i need help so that i can keep motivated and not give up. i really want to do the best i can at this and become successful.

all help is greatly appreciated.



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CPwen34 Premium
Dave, I think I know exactly what you mean. There is so much to learn and we tend to OVERCOMPLICATE. Step back. Do not worry about all of the little details. For now forget all of the niche and keyword BS and do something. Two suggestions. One, go to clickbank and find a product that you think you could sell. Write a blog on to use as your landing page and start writing articles. Now let's just say you pick a lousy product, and create a terrible blog and that your articles are not so hot either. Well in that case you will have STILL done something. You will have become more familiar with Clickbank, you will have learned about Blogger, and you will have gained article writing experience. You will in fact have your first campaign, and you will have learned.

My second suggestion, particularly if you want a step by step process that does not cost a lot is to get David Bocock's 4 Day Money Making Blueprint. He sells it for a ridiculously low price ($26 bucks last I looked) and you'll get video instruction and no pitches to buy more stuff. I did it and found it better, and a heckuva lot cheaper than thins like PPG's OWM.
kadcpp Premium
My advice would be to pick a topic you are passionate about (I chose my pets) and do not worry about competition yet as you will learn how to create a campaign and have more Light-bulb Events during the process.
Hang in there!