About Dave250783
Joined February 2010
Hi everyone,

I am completely new to internet marketing and I am very happy I found this site.

I am 26 and i'm from Bermuda.

My hobbies mainly consist of outdoor activities like hiking, climbing, camping, scuba diving etc... you get the idea and obviously now internet marketing. It takes up all my time now outside my main job, which is aircraft engineering (shift work boooooo), and I love how much I have been learning so far.

My dream is to be able to live somewhere out of the way in the country and make a full time living from home. I'm sure this will be posible with wealthy Affiliate giving a helping hand.

I hope to meet some cool people on my wave length here as we should all be aiming for similar things and maybe we could help each other out.

Anyway thats all I can think of right now I guess I will start writing in my blog that i'm also new too haha.

Please don't hessitate to add me to your buddy list and if you think there might be anything i could help you with (you probably know more than me at this point lol) just give me a shout.

Thanks for reading,

Dave250783's Accomplishments

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Roy Penrod Premium
Hi, Dave! Glad you're hear with us. I think most of us dream about freedom ... the freedom to do what we want, when we want. It's a good dream and I hope we're all able to achieve it. Thanks for adding me as your buddy!
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Dave, Welcome to WA!
dave250783 Premium
hello, thanks for the welcome.
dave250783 Premium
hahaha that picture isnt too great i'll have to find another lol
dave250783 Premium
i need to add a photo but i broke my camera. coming soon lol
dave250783 Premium
hi everyone im new here!