About David Sell
Joined August 2010
Lets see here, never been one to talk about myself, I'm 35 years old male, married to a wonderful wife and have a 16year old child. Been driveing truck for about 11 yrs.9 yrs of the 11 was driveing over the road, came off the road about 2 years ago to be with my family, but still working 12-16 hrs. a day don't leave alot of time to be with them, Like I want to be, before that I did what I could just to pay the bills.
Just started looking into working from home stuff, I have order a few programs and didn't like them so got my money back. And run across this here about a month ago and started looking into it, Couldn't find no bad reviews on it so I thought it must be the real deal. I got my website started throught on of the programs I order but after going throught lesson one here I need to do alot of work to it. Go check it out if you like
What I hopeing to get out of this is to be able to quite my full time job in the next year or two. I say it that way do to he fact I don't have a lot of time or money to make this thing work for me. But by looking throught some of the post here, with time and little money I beleive I can pull that out of my hat..
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tjmrkt Premium
Welcome aboard; the new action plan is a great place to start. good luck, enjoy yourself peace!
David Sell Premium
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME to the WA community!
Glad to have you here! :)
David Sell Premium
Thank you
Old Mizer Premium
Welcome to the team David. This takes work like any other job. If you are limited on time, make sure you add this to your schedule and devote that time to nothing else. The idea that this will just happen and fall out of the sky with little time is a false myth.
Old Mizer Premium
I just read my message to you again and I am sorry if it came across in a negative tone. That was not my intention. It sounds to me like you are on the right track! 8^} Even if you can only devote 30 minutes or an hour every other night. Stay with whatever works best. You certainly sound like you have enough support behind you. Make sure to thank all of them and give the wife a hug and thank her for having trust in you. Which I am sure you have already done many times. As far as looking for more support, you are at the right place. I think you are on the right path becoming part of this community. The forum itself is priceless. While all the members here have the same goal in mind. Finding another way to earn some secure income. I am sure you will fit right in here. 8^}
David Sell Premium
Your right there I have been putting in 2 to 4 hours in the evening after work and all the free time I can find, for about 3 mouths now, but I believe I have been going about it the wrong way. I hope WA can help me. My family understands what I'm trying to do. And believe it or not my wife is standing behind my choice. So with this I think I can make it happen, but it may take me a little longer than most. Do you think I am on the right path with this?
David Sell Premium
No, it didn't come across in a negative tone, I just wanted you to see that I want it so bad that I'm makeing the time to make it work for me
music_mom30 Premium
David Sell Premium
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
David Sell Premium
thanks for the add, just signed up and going throught the first action plan