About Tjmrkt
Joined October 2009
Hello to all

I want to take this moment to share with 'U' some of my goals and
outlook on life.

I'm calling 2011 the year of being "Present"

What this mean to me is not dwelling and living in the past
I want to leave the past in the past and become more attentive
to the present, the here and now; because that really all we have is
the present moment, the past is gone and the future has not
arrive.So in summary, I want to put the past where it belongs,
and become more attentive to the present, and look to the future
as a future full of opportunities.

I will improve my integity, by doing the thing I said I'm
going to do when I said I'm going to do them

I will become more positive charge this year and the years to
come about myself and life. I'm going to take life UP!

I will work on my health by exerising more by making a
weekly schedule and sticking to it, and eating nuturional

I will become more business minded:
The idea biz for me is contain in the" Moneytree" formula:

M: Mult-streams of income
is there more than one source of income

O: it has to have an Outstanding product or service

N: No money down or little of your own.

E: Employee resistance
can it be operated with 0 to few employee

Y: what is the Yield, high or low

T: what is the Tread, up or down

R: Residual, can 'u' make money @ it and do
other things

E: Essential, is it something that people need/want

E: Enthusiasm, can 'u' get charge-up about it

Their it is my friends the Moneytree formula. It
appear that WA has all the characteristic contain
in this formula.

My main adjective is to create a life for myself of;

: Freedom
: Liberation
: Inspiration
: Spiritual Uplifting
: Faith

There 'U' have short, sweet and to the point.
Tjmrkt's Accomplishments

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klrrider Premium
Nice About Me post... wish you the best. And thanks for the buddy invite!
tjmrkt Premium
Good day to all:

I'm starting week 2 of the new action plan wish me luck!
tjmrkt Premium
At the present time I'm focusing on three area in my life.

1st. Gym: my goal is to work-out between 3-> 8 hours per

2nd: self: I want to spend between 3-> 8 hours per week
being by myself to review my plans, goals, and
to think

3th: WA: I want to spend between 5 -> 15 hours per week
working here @ WA and any other biz venture that
would make me a better marketer ,self-reliant

this past week 5/2 -> 5/8,
Gym= 3hrs
self = 3.5 hrs
WA = 3.5 hrs

WA was a failure. did not meet the min. 5hrs
got to focus more.

know anyone who want to be buddies
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
tjmrkt Premium

The idea biz for me is contain in the Moneytree formula:

M: Mult-streams of income
is there more than one source of income

O: it has to have an Outstanding product or service

N: No money down or little of your own.

E: Employee resistance
can it be operated with 0 to few employee

Y: what is the Yield, high or low

T: what is the Tread, up or down

R: Residual, can 'u' make money @ it and do
other things

E: Essential, is it something that people need/want

E: Enthusiasm, can 'u' get charge-up about it

Their it is my friends the Moneytree formula. It
appear that WA has all the characteristic contain
in this formula. So it time for me to get to WORK!