Now Entering Month 7

Last Update: March 31, 2011

Now maybe some of you may know that Ieft my job back in October because of a few reasons and went full-time on my IM business. Now I did quite a few errors in the beginning but I learned A LOT!

 Took a lot of action as well (build websites, tons of articles etc)but as of right now, I'm still having a hard time getting this whole thing to work. =/

 make an average of around 3 sales a month and I and say that its pretty much luck. I've hit a few hot spots but nothing really lasted. O_o

 Ouf!!! I feel a bit crappy right now but hopefully this thing is gonna start working!

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andys43us Premium
David, if you found something that sells, all you need to do is build more upon that. Find more low competition keywords, get more traffic and optimize your site for those keywords. When you get enough traffic, start split testing different methods of selling the product like review pages, list building etc. Don't get distracted until you've milked the market for all it's worth.