Facebook Group Started

Last Update: July 30, 2012
Hello, David Here
So far I have had some great success using Facebook and Twitter, but mostly Facebook not trying to down anyone, but the reason I have created this blog is simple.

I have created a open group for all Facebook users to help promote your product, your website, or etc.

This is for business use so refer people and friends who are also into the internet business and don't be afraid to add them to the page.

This is because what ever you share will be shared through out Facebook!! Let Me Repeat Through Out Facebook!!!!
Which means a added bonus to what ever you trying to do!

So just add my group page if you are a Facebook user

And add me on Facebook

And lets help promote each other using Facebook!!!

See You there!!!

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splashduck Premium
I went and joined:)
Shawn Martin Premium
can't have too many groups as I see it. I am on my way. :)
slayton1s Premium
Yeah, they already have a group for this called Writer's Secret Society. Ty Johnson created this group about last year. Your typical person isn't going to purposefully enter an internet marketing blog chat and buy a product from that group. (just being truthful here). One good thing you can do is socialize each others content so your content receives more social signals in Google's SERP's, thus ranking higher. I've gone from 3rd and 4th page rankings to 1st just because of social signals.

Otherwise, it's a lot of just meeting new people, making friends, sharing ideals, and so forth. ;) Good luck.
ddglover Premium
Thank you for the incite could you reference any Google SERP Training that might help me
James Doro Premium
I believe there is already a very similar group that does this started by another WA member. Here it is: http://www.facebook.com/groups/writersecretsociety/ Yours sounds slightly different perhaps, but just wanted to let you know about the other as well! Keep it up man :)
ddglover Premium
Thank You for the incite