First Website is Up

Last Update: July 29, 2012
Hello WAU, David here

When I first got here I was clueless and didn't know what I was getting myself into. I gave it my all from the start and I had a great idea for a site. Now it is up and ready for the world!!!
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ClaireDavids Premium
Great job Ddglover, your website looks great! Just one constuctive criticism from a fellow newcomer; I find that people are more interested in reading when you break your text into smaller chunks and paragraphs and break with nice pics/vids.

So you might want to do that to increase visitor interaction on your site. Overall, though it looks nice and also nice video quality you have there. Good job :)

By the way, here's the link of 2 sites I set up a few days back, if you wouldn't mind giving some of your own feedback. Thanks!
georgejhaas Premium
David, Congratulations on reaching this important milestone! Isn't it a great feeling that you have accomplished something? I know you are feeling great. Keep up the good work. Be sure to follow the traffic and you may have to tweak your site from time to time. I hope you will become very successful here at WAU.
@RICH. Premium
Hey David. Congrats. on a brilliant job. Just a couple of minor points from my noob perspective. The Contact Me form appears to be either missing or might be a comment box and maybe you could add a site email address rather than your gmail one, such as I can also see a small amount of blockquote html at the end of the comments entry forms. Finally, and I'm not entirely sure, but is the opening para in your Privacy Policy missing? As I said, totally minor things. Congrats. again. Best. Rich.
skilled_methodz Premium
I'm impressed with your first website. The site looks clean and simple, informative. Keep up the great work!
sundcarrie Premium
Great job on the site!