Posts by Dec944 9
February 25, 2011
Where do you turn when you are in need?  To people who understand your pain. I have my business Fan Page up on Facebook and need my 25 "Likes" to claim my  username.  Since this community understands the whole internet marketing thing, I would appreciate anyone here to go to my Fanpage (now a "Like" page) and "Like" me.  I hate to bring the big guns of WA, but a girls got to do what a girls got to do.  All help would be appreciated.  H
I am not inclined to go political on a business blog, but for those in Illinois who work with Amazon or Overstock or any other product network;  be afraid;  be very afraid. The Illinois legislature is voting this week on whether to impose sales tax on online purchases in "certain circumstances" which will impose the 'Affiliate Nexus Tax".    Think New York or North Carolina or Rhode Island or Colorado.  If they do sign off on it there is no doubt Amaz
September 28, 2010
I never go onto or blog on a board twice in one day.  But since I was chatting with someone from one of my MeetUp's I thought I would go ahead and share this with new people. Being in IM can be an isolating experience.  I ran businesses where I traveled the world, so this was a huge shift for me.  It felt like prison.   So I joined several MeetUp groups in the greater Chicago area.   Because I am in a large city we have a number to chose from, but even smaller citie
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September 28, 2010
For those who celebrate a gift giving holiday such as Christmas or Hanukkah we have only 90 days to shop (only 60 for Hanukkah!). But whether you celebrate or not, for those who use the holidays as a big income boost by promoting hot products during the holiday we have about 48 hours to finish our work.   Whether it's the hottest new toy, purse or electronic gizmo, if you don't have your product and strategy ready by September 30 you have more than likely missed the opportunity for 201
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August 20, 2010
I have to say, I've done extremely well with IM.  I started almost 3 years ago and have a cadence that yields one new campaign every 2 weeks.  I'm golden!  Right? Except - I had some campaigns a few months ago that were ugly, sour and sucked.  I'm getting nothing, squat, bupkes from that effort.   I just didn't feel good about the product, approach, articles, etc. of the effort.  I choked.  I got the yips.  I broke my cadence and didn't do a new effort for
August 16, 2010
I was looking back over the past couple of years of success and failures to see if I could find trends.  I think it is always a good idea to have a clear understanding of not just what works and what doesn't, but why. What I found is no surprise, but it proves to be more profound than I expected. When I first started I was chasing "hot" print/products on clickbank and others because that's what people said to do.  But it went against my marketing knowledge so I changed. 
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I have an acquaintance who is really short on money due to a lay off so we  were brainstorming how she could add to her coffers.   She has the basic understanding of IM but doesn't want to go full campaign as she is looking for a job in her field (technical sales management) and really doesn't want to do this full time. So here is what I came up with and the results.  I recommended she contact the owners of 50 local businesses/entrepreneurs who have websites and unique offerings.&
I am probably older than most in the business and had a previous life as a successful organizational leader so hopefully I can bring something to the subject of  "focus."  I just read the blog post by Fallulah and had a similar conversation with a local group last week and thought I would post a few bits of how I find focus on a daily basis, as a lack of focus will kill your productivity and financial rewards. We must have a plan.  It doesn't require elaborate planning
First,  I would like to apologize for not being an active participant in the WA group.  I've been a member for 2 years but have been working on my I-marketing business and have not spent a lot of time contributing to the success of others.  I'm not much of joiner.   But for the newcomers, I'd like to give a quick tidbit on how to quickly and effectively write an article.  Many people stop article writing because they feel that the work involved is too cumbersome and gru