Shaking off the Yips

Last Update: August 20, 2010

I have to say, I've done extremely well with IM.  I started almost 3 years ago and have a cadence that yields one new campaign every 2 weeks.  I'm golden!  Right?

Except - I had some campaigns a few months ago that were ugly, sour and sucked.  I'm getting nothing, squat, bupkes from that effort.   I just didn't feel good about the product, approach, articles, etc. of the effort.  I choked.  I got the yips.  I broke my cadence and didn't do a new effort for a full month.  I thought I was losing my mojo.  

I had almost convinced myself my streak was over and maybe I should just let my book of business simmer and go off and leverage my knowledge a different way.  And then I had an epiphany and realized it was not the was the beginning of the next phase.  I got the yips because I was stale, not because I was done.  The 2 campaigns sucked because I had stopped looking for new approaches.  When I reviewed the 2 campaigns I realized I approached them very mechanically and without any creativity.  I got lazy.  I met my goal but missed my mark.

So, if you have a campaign that goes sideways and you feel like you've got the yips,  check to see if it is your skill or is it just that you didn't give it your all.  Did you replicate an old campaign without considering the nuances of the new product?  Did you try to "spin" a previous campaign without understanding the market of your new one?  Did you just get lazy?

The lessons for me have paid off.  I'm on to some great new campaigns with fun products and they have already begun building traffic.  I have built some of the best websites since my "recovery" and am looking forward to the next  phases.  I didn't have the yips--I had the yucks.  So keep plugging and shake it off.  

Good marketing,


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Kathy389 Premium
Thank you for your post. I was doing so great and was very motivated and then my "Get up and Go" "Got up and Went". I am sitting here now making my IM work schedule for this week and I WILL get myself back on track. Thanks again and here's some gold.
jatdebeaune Premium
loved reading how the yips turned into YIPEE! Very inspirational. Thank you
Fallulah Premium
This was a really great read Judy, a breath of fresh air which I kinda needed today so Thanks :)
Carrie Premium
Thank you for sharing this extremely motivating post, Judy. A new campaign every two weeks does sound a long way off for this newbie. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
maureenhannan Premium
Oh wow--this was great, Judy. And I love your turn of phrase. :-) It's so good, as I get going, to have reminders like this. Even though it's great to get a system working and (at least a little bit) automatic, it's vital to keep the creativity flowing. Giving you gold...