Link within website

Last Update: May 29, 2012
I can't seem to figure this out. I can link from one 'link' to another page. thats easy. but::

How do i link to another "Link/LINE" or Link/TITLE" in either the same LONG page, or another page completely (for like a glossary)

Say I have a list of ten programs...
I want to list them all at the beginning of the page, so that if someone KNOWS what they want to look at, they can skip the long page to get to it, and just 'hop' there with a link.

Or lets say I have a term that is pretty well used on many pages on my site, but i want an explanation or glossary to refer that in a link to on another page.

How do I accomplish this? I have seen it done, just can't figure it

Any guidance where would be greatly appreciated?

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Denisara Premium is the place I got information regarding how to do PAGE JUMPS with specific word links....there we go.
Denisara Premium
Thanks Tommo1968 for the great tip/site for that information. I did end up having to go to another site for more information on how to do it from page to different page (wordpress had great info on that. I closed the link. gotta go thru my history to get that link, but instead maybe I will do a blog or maybe do a "new resource" on it....just noticed that option. I do know one thing though. it's going to make a great blog post for one of my sites....
tommo1968 Premium
Denisara Premium
? sorry, don't quite understand that
tommo1968 Premium
Sorry try that website it explains how to anchor text.