Serp Star Twilight Zone...

Last Update: May 18, 2012
I have a strange problem, and I scanned to see if anyone else had this, but didn't catch it if there was, but I have been working with the serp stars since the first wabinar, and I think I have it down pat, because I am using the quite successfully on other sites, I have everything lined up all pretty on them, but when I test my site on
the stars show up just fine, to reinforce that they are working fine.

But I am ranking rather well (fifth on the first page, does that mean rank#5?), and I know better to look at my site's ranking unless I am incognito (Ctrl+shift+N), so I went incognitop to look (keyword= best wow addons), but when I see my site there, there are no stars, but there is my google plus picture. Just no stars :(

Does anyone know why this is happening? I am afraid of what I am thinking, which means a lot of work, well, maybe not so much after I get that rhythm going, but maybe because I only have the serp stars on my reviews of the premium addons (few) and not the free addons (many)? Google is probably sneaky like that...I don't know.

It's driving me nuts, because I want those all important eye catching stars on there. Being ranked so well on the first page, it would be like EYEPOPPING to have those stars. No one else does....hmmm
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Denisara Premium
figured it out.