About Derek4Real
Joined September 2009
Whats up all!?!?

my name is Derek, 24 yrs old and i'm currently working as a cook in an italian restuarant. i went to college 4 years and studied computer information technology. i never graduated due to my enjoyment of partying and not going to class. That left me where i am today, working in the restauarnat biz and wanting to get out!!

I hope WA and all the people here can helpe me achieve something!! if you have any question or wanna talk add me! Thanks everyone!
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TJ Books Premium
Welcome to the Place to Learn to Earn!Those who stick around here long enough do just that. WA members have earned over $100 million according to Carson. John
Derek4Real Premium
I'm new here, just signed up today (9-3-09). I'm a litle overwhelmed with all the information here but i'll continue to read through and hopefully meet some cool people, and MAKE SOME MONEY!! isn't that why we're all here in the first place?? take care
Hey Derek, My name's Dave and I just signed up today also...maybe since we're both new here we can help each other out. Talk to ya later!
Here's a good forum post I found with some good SPECIFIC details about the whole process, I've seen that a bunch of people like potpiegirl's advice. here's the link: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=50510
Hey Derek, Here's what I've done so far.

Read all the junior tutorials, and many forum posts.
I am following potpiegirl's plan from her 1000th post.
Here's the accounts I've set up so far.
1. clickbank.com
2. squidoo.com
3. go articles.com
4. ezinearticles.com
5. blogspot.com

Now I picked a clickbank item in a niche that I am personally interested and involved in. Next I did about 4 hours worth of keyword research to find some good less competitive search phrases. Once I found some, I wrote a squidoo article, then a goarticle, then an ezine article (these ones you have to wait to get approved. After I wrote these articles, I wrote a blog post at blogspot.com using each article but with a different title and intro paragraph. Once my ezine article gets published, there will be six pages of optimized articles for that one search keyword.

Next I repeated the steps for another related keyword and will soon have 6 more pages. I am going to repeat this process for five keywords totaling 30 pages, all leading to either my squidoo pages or directly to the product's sales page.(go articles lets you link directly to the sales page, ezine does not)

We've only started about a week ago so if you don't have any articles yet, that's okay. One thing I've read a lot is people saying that you just have to DO IT.

let me know if you have any other questions. :)
Derek4Real Premium
i wouldn't mind that at all....just like the song we all need a little help from our friends. i hope i can help you sometime soon and vise versa. take care dave.
Derek4Real Premium
thanks for the link dave i appreciate it. a piece of gold for you for the help. thanks
Derek4Real Premium
hey dave i just saw your post in the forum in the success stories. that may be little success but your on the right track. heck you've you have more success than i've had haha. but i am glad to see that someone who joined WA around the same time i did is having even mild success. i haven't even written any articles yet because i want to make sure they are as good as can be before i submit them which i think is my downfall.

what kind of articles did you write about? something that interests you already, or was it just about a subject that had very little competition? thanks for sharing if you can. take care and hope you get that first sale soon!
Derek4Real Premium
thanks for the reply back, it really gave me some more insight into what you've done and how to hopefully succeed. Thanks man.
marlo Premium
Hello Derek and welcome to W. A I think this program will further your education definitely in Internet marketing I have only been a member a few weeks and I have learned a lot.. take care and good luck to you and your success..
Derek4Real Premium
thanks for leaving a message Mario!! i hope in the near future we can help each other out down this internet marketing road! take care
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey Derek: How are you today? Honest words man, you are going to get far but you need to control the show biz, LOL! It''s seems that now you know, right? Anyway, you are in the right place to succeed but is up to you. Did you start your 8 week action plan? Any question let me know, OK? Welcome to WA!
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hi Derek: Thanks for your response. Great that you already started. South Florida is the best place to live, at least for me. I don't see myself living in a cold place...bbbrrrrr, please! LOL
Have a great WA man!
Derek4Real Premium
hey rodrigo! thanks for stopping by and leaving a message! i'm trying to grasp everything here at WA since i only signed up yesterday. and yes i did start my 8 week action course. i'm thinking its really gonna help me to start generating some income. i see your from south florida, i just made a trip to ft. lauderdale to visit some friends in july, and wow was it ever HOT! haha we don't get weather like that up here in pennsylvania.