About DiamondFire
Joined May 2010
Hi to everyone in WA,

My name is Erik, and I have been very much involved in Internet Marketing since the beginning of 2009, and am also involved with a few other endeavors. I have a multitude hobbies, perhaps too many to mention here. But some include Ornithology (the study of birds), foreign languages, and poetry. I wholly believe that gone are the days when a person could get a good education, and then go out and get a good job, work 40 years for a company, retire with the 'gold" watch, and "ride off into the sunset" and collect a nice pension. I have a burning desire to make every aspect of my life prosperous and wealthy. I am looking forward to meeting and making friends in the WA community.
DiamondFire's Accomplishments

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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
DiamondFire Premium
Thank you, I appreciate it. It's great to be here
Ezinewriter Premium
Hi Erik, thanks for passing by, it's hard to catch all the new people coming in. We are now buddies.
DiamondFire Premium
Hi Sylviane, thank YOU for being my buddy. I hope all is going extremely well for you. Take care
easyrider Premium
Hi Erik: Well said, today if we don't take care of our own life we get what life gives us and that may not be much. I worked abroad for a decade so languages were a must. Here's to your success and how about becoming a buddy?
DiamondFire Premium
Thank you for the compliment. And what you added is so very true; nobody is going to hand you wealth and success on a silver platter. You must go and get it for yourself. Here's to your success, and I have already added you as a buddy. Thank you for the request.
Scaron Premium
Hi Erik,
Thanks for the buddie request! I totally agree the traditional making a life plan doesn't work any more...or at my age I would be a lot further along. Let's hope WA changes that for us!
DiamondFire Premium
Hi "Scaron",
You're welcome for the buddy request! And amen to what you said. Let's make it happen!
Sherion Premium
Hi and Welcome to WA. We actually joined the same day. Where ya been. Let me know if you want to be buddies.
Sherion Premium
Great! I added you as buddy. Let me know if there is anything that I might be able to help you with and I will give it a try. Later....
DiamondFire Premium
Hi to you as well, and thank you. I would love to be buddies. I look forward to it