About Easyrider
Joined June 2010
A big HELLO to EVERYONE from Easyrider

I'm Carolynn Ross, known on line as Easyrider.

I just joined WA and am so excited to start building a business on line. Here I am with my brother at a recent reunion in Chicago. I was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, came to the States when I was 10 yrs old. Grew up in Chicago, attended high school , college and the Art Institute, as well as, martial arts from the age of 15. After college I went to Asia to study martial arts at the Kanda Asian Federation of Marial Arts in Tokyo. While there I was hired by an Asian company in executive management and spent over a decade in Southeast Asia, travelling around the world on business and enjoying the various cultures along the way. When I came back from Asia I moved to northern California, started my own business and eventually sold that and became a CEO of a software development company. I do a lot of creative writing, have written and published a book with others, love organic gardening and painting as well as travelling.

I moved to Oregon four years ago for a career change and now four years later I want a business on the internet that gives me global market access. I miss interacting with people from all over the world and the richness other cultures bring. After a lot of research on line I decided that WA had the most to offer and I love the idea of learning within a community. I do have some computer skills but in building a business on line I am a beginner and will be greatful for any help that I receive. In time I will be competent to help other beginners - Gee this is just like a dojo in Martial Arts! I look forward to meeting all of you, getting to know your life stories and your on going successes with WA and in your personal lives. Hope in time I can be a buddy and have plenty of buddies to share thinking with. We really are all in this together.

To Your On-Going Success,

Easyrider's Accomplishments

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JstCureus Premium
Easyrider, I hope you don't mind but I'm going to add you as a buddy. I'm right out side of Chicago and you seem to be a good person to know as I just started too....;)
Sherion Premium
Hi and Welcome to WA! I am also a newbie. Just started with WA about 10 days ago. Let me know if you want to be buddies and if I can be of any help let me know.
easyrider Premium
Hi again, buddies we are. I'm here to help too, just give a holler or we may be stuck together.
businessadvisor Premium
Welcome to WA. Although I too am new to WA,
I've been an e-Marketer for over 10 years
and do make consistent income online. Feel free to add me to your Buddy List, or to ask questions about Internet Marketing and I'll do my best to provide an answer that's based on experience. I look forward to exchanging ideas and strategies for earning online.
krbntt Premium
Hi there. I'm new to WA, also. It seems a bit overwhelming now, but should be an exciting challenge. I wish you great success in your marketing adventures.

easyrider Premium
Thanks Kelly, I wish you success as well and if there is anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
easyrider Premium
Thank you for the welcome, I'm looking forward to being active in this community and building a business that is of value to others. Easyrider