About Dlandry
Joined October 2009
My name is Deb and I am very excited to be a part of this impressive community!

I live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, am married, 45 years old, and we have two sons, ages 24 and 22. I am a Hurricane Katrina survivor and admire the strength and compassion of the people in my community. The support we received from all over the world will have forever touched my heart.

I have studied internet marketing for over eight years, while balancing a full time job and a very large extended family. After all of that, I have come to realize that affiliate marketing is without a doubt, the best way to financial independence on the internet! I have checked out several other affiliate marketing programs and this one wins - hands down! I feel fortunate to be here with all of you.

I am so grateful to be a part of it and share this wonderful opportunity with others. Looking forward to a bright future here and to learning from and sharing ideas with all of you!

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funjob Premium
You are a survivor for sure, you will learn a lot of good stuff here. Good Luck and record your progress.
dlandry Premium
Thank you so much! I wish you the best of luck as well!
Maz Premium
Hi Deb
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate
Best wishes
dlandry Premium
Thank you Maz! It is so great to know all of you!
music_mom30 Premium
Welcome to WA! I'm happy to help if you need it :)
music_mom30 Premium
Thanks! :)
dlandry Premium
Thank you so much! The people here are so great! I would be happy to help you, as well!
Allen Premium
Welcome aboard! I'm over here in Alabama. Hats off to you as a Hurricane Katrina survivor! I did a lot of work supporting the rebuilding all the communications infrastructure that was wiped out down there. Incredible stories of survival making it through that event. Good luck to you and yell if I can help!
dlandry Premium
Thank you so much Allen, for the support here and the support with the rebuilding of communication in our area! You guys are heroes to all of us! Beautiful grandchildren! Best of luck in your internet career.
Skybound Premium
Hi Deb
We joined WA on the same day so I thought I'd say hi and wish you well.
Skybound Premium
I'm sure having a few years' writing experience will come in useful. Just need to get up to speed with the procedures. Article writing is where I'm gonna start, I think. Signed up for Ezine today. Hope you've got off to a flying start yourself.
Skybound Premium
Good idea. I have something similar up my sleeve. Looking at your bio again, I see you have a lot of IM expertise. We could make a good team! Maybe once we've found our feet, we could cook up something together? To me, there are two things that strike me about the majority of WA members - they either have little or no IM experience or little or no writing experience. IMO both are key to becoming successful in affiliate marketing. I was reading the Chris Knight (Ezine editor) blog yesterday and it's clear that the days of turning out trashy link-driven articles are numbered. Quality is what counts, even though people like Georgia Redneck have made a good income from 'spinning' articles with little substance. Once the masses join the party, quality and true expertise will win the day. Hopefully, with our respective professional backgrounds, you and I will be among the winners.
dlandry Premium
Thank you so much, Skybound! I wish you the best of luck in your internet career. Your writing skills will bring you far!
dlandry Premium
That is exactly what I was going to do! I started doing the article marketing lessons in the super affiliates section. I was thinking of targeting writers for WA. Seemed obvious to me, yet no one is doing it. Hope it works! Deb
dlandry Premium
Yes, my training is on creating products, websites, videos, lead capture pages, banners, etc. Every time I would go to market something, I would change my mind! I don't have time to create my own products, so I really wanted to find the right affiliate program to market and I am so thankful I found WA when I did, because it is so much better than anything else out there. So much more value and opportunity for the money. There was one other program I found like that, but it was more for network marketers and I wanted to do affiliate marketing. Also, I was taught to create a lot of value and then offer them something, so that is the path I am working towards. I am hoping I will have everything ready to go in a month or so. The challenge is working full time and family. It is so good to be making friends with people in the business. It really helps to establish those connections. Great for testimonials and joint ventures and other helpful options for the future! So yes, you never know where it will all lead. Yes, I believe we will be among the winners!