About Allen
Joined May 2007
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casandra_j_k Premium
thanks for all your help! Your awsome. Ill write you if i need some help. Just getting the basic site built now but it would be cool to have the blog on my site. TY!
casandra_j_k Premium
they look very professional. They seem like pretty well done sites. Good job. Seems wordpress has alot to offer. truthfully I started using this other hosting and builder as well as the ones here. I found this one that gives you a extremely good deal for free. But i wanted to use this one too... so I dont know which i will continue to use... i cannot make the same type of site on both well i could.... maybe i will now that i think about it.
At any rate good job on your sites and i kinda want to learn wordpress but because i am so busy with the sites going up so I can get on the affiliate program i want that requires a website so my campaign can get rolling. It will have to be when i have things going a little more.
thanks again!
Allen Premium
You're very welcome. Just remember that Wordpress could be your site, blogs and all. Take a look at these 2 sites. Both are built completely with Wordpress using a free theme, no special html. The only other thing I've done is create a unique header graphic for one of them. You can use pages and posts and any number of catagories.
casandra_j_k Premium
wow you have grandchildren? Im suprised. you dont look old enough to have grandchildren, unless you and your kids both had children extremely young. Thanks for the adviceon my blog post, I appreciate it.
casandra_j_k Premium
so you had your first child pretty young too? I had my first when I was 20. But He saved my life... litterally so i am glad i had them early... even though my children were unplanned. once i realized i was going to be a mother i completely changed my life and lost all desire to go back to the way things were. I cant wait for all the stuff i learned here to sort of click into place and help me create a successful internet business. The best of luck to you and your family as well! I hope you have great success too!
Allen Premium
I have 4 kids aged 18-23, and 3 of them moved out a couple years ago and immediately started reproducing. You would of thought I raised rabbits.. lol. Me, I'm young, only 45...
Allen Premium
You are more than welcome Christie! Working on IM together has been a great experience, and l look forward to our continued friendship and learning together. Thanks for the gold!
Allen Premium
Thanks Sandi,
Yea, I love the quote from Zig Ziglar, and it is so true. That's one reason I joined WA, because it fit that philosophy. Thanks for stopping by and hope things are going good for you too!
guitar fire Premium
Hi Allen,
those are some of the cutest kids I have ever seen. thanks for posting the photos.
I noticed on your web site a quote from Zig Ziglar great guy.
I hope things are working well for you here,
Guitar fire,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Allen...just wanted to let you know one of our new members has several Zig Ziglar videos on his web site.
His name is Chris-A. I thought it was interesting how much Zig had slowed sown comparing a video when he was young with a more recent one. He is great though!
Blessings today,
Christie G Premium
Hey There Allen...
Those grandkids are adorable. I added you to my buddies and left you with a gold piece. Will, talk w/ you later. Have a great night.
Christie G Premium
Hey Allen,
I can not explain to you how to you how much I truly appreciate all the help you have given me over the last few weeks. I gave you some gold, because it is the only I have to thank you currently, besides saying thank you over and over :o) You are a great friend and I am very glad to have met you online. Have A Great Day !
Keep Smiling :o)