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Joined October 2008
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X2 Premium
Bigman Premium
Hi Larry,

Thought I would come and see what you really looked like.
Nice looking dog, I took in a cat who was having a rather hard life and I re-named her Tikka after my favourite curry Tikka Masala, it's kind of appropriate really as she's multicoloured.
Hopefully between us we will get your Site up and running.
Hilamaya Premium
Hello Larry !

Welcome in the new world of business with WA.

Have a nice one

dogball Premium
Hi Carole!
Nice to hear from you, thanks for the welcome. I'm a little overwehlmed right now and in week 1 of the action plan.Theres so much to read.
Internetgranny Premium
Hi Larry,

I just came across one of your posts in the pet forum and thought I'd look you up since you seem to be really knowledgeable. Looks like you've learnt a lot, and I hope it's beginning to show in monetary terms too.
I'm adding you as a buddy. Hope that's ok with you. And when I get to Squidoo lenses and need help, I'll know whom to ask!
Have a great weekend. I think I'm going to make pancakes for breakfast tomorrow. I love maple syrup, but it's rather expensive here in the UK.
Take care
Internetgranny Premium
Hi again Larry,

Was thinking of you yesterday - made myself yummy pancakes for breakfast. Came across your really helpful forum posts again today and thought I'd give you some gold as a thank you.
Have a great week.
dogball Premium
Hi Isabella,
Great to hear from you on my space. I love pancakes. I make myself blueberry whole wheat pancakes on weekends. That's my weekend treat. During he week I just have some cereal or toast. I love your pictures. Looks like you've got a great place there. I'm really like WA and internet marketing but I haven't had much success at it yet, made a few sales but nothing to make a living off of. But I keep trying. I will help you if you have any questions, although I'm still learning myself. What I know I learned at WA but I'm a little lazy sometimes and just don't work hard enough at it. My fault. Looks like you have a good plan there. Stay with it.
malcolm Premium
Hi Larry, Thank you very much for the gold bar. Welcome aboard. I think Tippy is just the best, what a friend to have. Jean and myself love animals. We have had lots of tears & heart ache over the last couple of weeks. We are moving from South Africa to Australia and our animals are to old to take with. Had to put our kitty down, she was 16 years old but had a spinal defect so we could'nt find anyone to look after her, Macaws, budgies, & dogs all went to really lovely homes. It's just that the dogs can look right into your heart with their big brown eyes.Tippy looks like a Border Collie, if she is then she walks you for 2 hours a day, they are very busy. I jumped all over the WA site when I started now I've gone back to lesson week 1 and working through it. I won't have my computer for a week but I sure will make contact when I'm up and connected again in OZ. Good Luck, Malcolm
malcolm Premium
Hi Larry, Tippy is real special, I cant wait to get settled in Australia ( fly today 31st Oct ) so I can get Jean a puppy, she is hurting because we had to give our pets away, all went to lovely homes. The only bit of advise I would give you is start at lesson one and work at it untill you know it back to front. I'm switching my computer off for about 7 days while we settle in, then I will be back to you for lessons so I can catch up. So you better learn alot. I've been in WA since 1st Oct but have been to busy packing for OZ to learn anything but when I'm up and running I'll put in 2hrs a day. Talk to you soon buddy, Kind Regards, Malcolm.
dogball Premium
Hi Malcom!
Nice to hear from you. I don't know the breed of my dog but I think you're partially right. I think she may be border collie mix. I posted a better picture of her. My 2nd day here and everything sounds so positive. Any tips you can send my way will be appreciated. Larry