About X2
Joined October 2008
Being a commercial insulation contractor since the age of 24 in my own business has shown me many ups and downs and taught me many things.

Been at this for about 2 years now. About a year's worth of research before I actually ever did publish anything due to learning every tool I could get my hands on. That has now been pared down to two. And they are the most efficient tools in the market place, bar none. MNF and UAW. I have made training tutorials for them to help the buyers get the maximum efficiency out of them to make money because I believe that keyword research is a science and has been the BIGGEST reason for finding success, for me.

Flying airplanes and salt water spearfishing are where it's at for me. Right up there with IM, I get a little obsessed with it. Being high in the sky controlling your own destiny in a plane or being 140 feet underneath the surface of the sea hunting big fish that have just as good as chance of killing you in hand to fish combat, in their environment, as you have killing them makes me feel alive. Those things, like IM, take me to places in my heart and mind that nothing else ever has.

A piece of advice for the noobies:

1-Don't believe everything you read by the multitude of gurus

2-Get some personal help to get your mind into the right paradigm

3-And be ruthless in your pursuit of making it. Not to other people, but in your effort to publish content and get your message out. Publish like your next meal depended on how much you were able to publish in a day.

4-There is no competition in this world for me. And neither is there for you. You just don't know it yet. But once you become ruthless in your pursuit, you will see that there are very few who can beat you when you are doing the right thing for yourself and the right thing for others with whom you come into contact.

5-Get a method and get busy. Perfection does not exist at your desk or mine.

6-Did I say to get off your duff and get busy? Don't sweat the details except in keyword research, the foundation of all successful campaigns. Ask the gurus what they do FIRST.

My flight instructor had one piece of advice for me the day I was to solo for the first time. As I was checking out the plane and getting evrything ready, he said to me;

"It's time to start thinking like the pilot and stop thinking like the student."

He knew when I got in the air for the first time in that airplane by myself, my mind set was about to change. My paradigm was about to flip on me. I would never see flying the same after that short 30 minutes of mind bending flight.

He was right. I never looked at flying in the same way again. When I got up there by myself, I knew there was only one person who was going to get me down safely. ME. I had no choice. I HAD to become a pilot at that very moment in time with no more putting it off. I only had so much fuel till I HAD to land that airplane.

I did land it and it was a great day for me.

It was a day I will never forget. Every moment of it.

After I was struggling to get my head wrapped around the basics of internet marketing and realized I had spent a year being a "student", the words of my flight instructor poured over my head like hot grease and I was embarrased at myself and the way I had been behaving. Here I was with employees ranging up to 30 on the payroll at any given time and I was acting like a student instead of thinking like a business man.

At that moment, I realized that I had to become the "pilot".

The learning was over and it was time to solo that flight again.

I am telling you all this to say this to you;

Get a couple of the basics learned and mastered, it's all you need.

Then use those basics with a relentless pursuit that would make Napoleon look like a school yard bully on the playground at 3 period recess.

As you do, more and more will come to you when you aren't even looking for it.

It's a little like that cloud in the sky where you see a shape that is clear as day to you, then you look away, but when you look back again, you can see nothing else.

That is what it will be like for you when you take the reigns and take action.

Good luck to you all.

X2's Accomplishments

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SIVA Premium
Hi Roger,

This is Siva a newbie in IM. Thanks for your tip of advice in selecting one product in a niche and campaign it successfully.
X2 Premium
You got it Siva.
If you need anything, just let me know.
Eric Woods Premium
Salt water spearfishing sounds fun! I wanna try it. Hey man, I just found out today that you accepted my bid for the apprentice job but I'm not sure how to proceed with it. Let's get in touch soon!
X2 Premium
Dude, I have been jammed up! Just now finishing a set of videos for the 1st group who got started about a week ago. So I aa still working out the kinks. I should have everything ready to get the 2nd bunch off in a couple days though. If you are patient, you will be glad you waited. The group ahead of you are asking so many questions right now and helping me work out the little things you always forget when trying to put together a big project. See you soon.
X2 Premium
Yeah man, I sent it all to try to help out. I know you guys have had it rough over there. That is a small token but I wanted to do at least something.

Good luck.

PS. That is about a 50 pound Amberjack. I was having to concentrate to hold him with one are as you can tell by the look on m,y face. I was at 140 fsw when I took him with one shot with a 60" free shaft from my 54" spear gun. That is my personal best so far and he was great on the grill. For weeks. lol
nikao Premium
hey man, did you just send me a ton load of gold from el dorado? =) --- just confirming if it's an error.. let me know. by the way, pretty big fish you got there! love to catch one of those thingies too!
X2 Premium
Yeah man, I sent it all to try to help out. I know you guys have had it rough over there. That is a small token but I wanted to do at least something.

Good luck.

PS. That is about a 50 pound Amberjack. I was having to concentrate to hold him with one are as you can tell by the look on m,y face. I was at 140 fsw when I took him with one shot with a 60" free shaft from my 54" spear gun. That is my personal best so far and he was great on the grill. For weeks. lol
Terry Neal Premium
I have been looking at some of your information good stuff
X2 Premium
Thanks, man. Still a work in progress.