Future Article Marketing Master

Last Update: October 27, 2009

 It seems that I've been off the radar for a couple of days. At least within the WA community, so I figured I'd post another blog entry to collect my thoughts, if for no other reason. To get my visitors and network buddies up to speed...

When we last met, I had yet again experienced first page indexing on Google, but that experience was "bittersweet" as I recall describing it, because there had been no sales conversions. Unfortunately, there still have been no sales because of that listing. But FEAR NOT, for change is at hand because our young, handsome, and dashing hero, with his keen senses and problem solving skills immediately detected a potential flaw in his marketing execution. This flaw, or weakness, was the inability to use his bum marketing resources to effectively persuade visitors to his merchant site. Though broad flaw it may be, our hero has broken down this broad flaw into manageable, bite-sized pieces and is actively and successfully terminating each small obstacle in his way to marketing success!

How? Well, getting indexed, in and of itself, does not mean the content of the lens/article/blog entry/etc. translates well with a "live" person. It simply means that various aspects of your work was received by the infamous SPIDERS and fit together in the right way, on a popular site that made the SPIDERS feel that said work should naturally come before others. You see, getting indexed is the easy part. It takes little skill when you know how it works. The difficult part is turning those visitors into buyers. Convincing them that your product is the perfect match for them. 

I decided to take the steps to become an accredited article marketer, because article writing is my biggest challenge at this stage. With every campaign that I've started... or planned to start, it was always the articles that stumped me. The structure. The length. Relevancy. Content. Etc, etc. Well, just like any offline educational institution, I've been busting my a$$ the past couple of days with this accreditation course.   So far this is the most extensive and detailed illustration of the article writing process that I've come across. The bare knuckle specifics of not only writing articles, but articles that convert  is something that seems to be seriously lacking in the tutorials that I've come across so far. At least in comparison with the AM&SEO course.I'm only on lesson two, but I've learned a lot (always soaking up AM info like a sponge), and I know that article marketing mastery is within me. I can feel it. Watching this intuition slowly but surely manifest into reality and turning my weakness into strength drives me. So even if I have to fake it until I make it (which I will) I make the personal declaration that I AM AN ARTICLE MARKETING MASTER!

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Revelation Premium
Hey thanks! Hope to put some half decent material through the RSS. Yeah CJ has all kinds of stuff but I haven't used it much. That's on my TO DOs for next week...figure out that damn website lol. I know there are some tutorials on it somewhere...thought I saw one here...hmm. If I see it I'll let you know.
Carson Premium Plus
first reply 01
Well I'm still working on finding an affiliate link for my product through CJ before I can move on to lesson 3. Never worked with CJ before and it seems that there's a different link for so many different things. Video, text links, banners, and on, and on. I can't get any of them to work on my Squidoo lens, though. It's making me think I shouldn't have moved on to lesson 2 yet, but I was approved and the niche, advertiser, and product all seem to be in place. Just can't find any definitive aff. link to put anywhere. BTW, I'm signing up for your RSS feed and don't try and stop me!
Revelation Premium
LMAO! Rank-shmank... I have no idea how that rank thing happened. That's for checking out the site. I put in a good couple of night to get that badboy up and running right. Working on another now, a social networking site for IM'ers. Little hard to do...anyhow.

Yeah that is a little weird about the both checking each other out thing. But hey, everything happens for a reason and I am glad I hit your blog. That course is sweet and taught me everything I need to know to get up and running. Keep it up - you will love it and it will pay for itself pretty fast!
You wanna know something funny? I was just checking out the review junkie like seconds before I noticed your comment and I'm pretty damned impressed. You're making some big moves, bro. Knowing that there are other people still awake and paying the cost to be the boss at this time of morning(or night, however you see it), is somthin special. It could NOT have been a coincident that after checking out YOUR site that you were the first person to comment on my blog entry. I was checking out your site while you were checking out my blog. A little bit spooky... but in a good way.LOL. I spotted your tight inner game from the first time I checked out your WA Space and look at you now! Member Rank 16! Hell, I should forget about AM and become a talent scout.
Revelation Premium

That AM&SEO course changed my perspective on life and IM in general! Loved it and am making the best out of it.

Let me know how it goes!