Posts by Ebits 3
April 22, 2010
 Hello to Everyone, Just wanted to say I read kadcpp's recent blog entry and my heart goes out to him as I personally feel his frustration. I was so excited to join WA and have been experiencing "analysis paralysis" in the last month. Just as I thought I would be ready to take action with all of this knowledge. My significant other decided to throw a huge curve ball at me and now I am looking for a place to move to, another job possibly and another delay in moving forward with IM.
Hello friends, Just another little update. I just wanted to share that I have about six articles on the go and my campaign is getting close to ready, but I feel a little like a turtle. I know I shouldn't beat myself up... I have to remember the full time job  I have to do in order to live, eat, etc. Anyway...thought I would do a little update and say I am still working it and finding it  "all absolutely fascinating" for someone who knew very little about IM and not a great de
March 22, 2010
Hello all, just wanted to get going on my WA blog. First I will state that I am a newbie. Learning about Internet Marketing, Article Marketing in the last 5 weeks has been a little tough, sometimes confusing, but in the end quite exhilerating. I find it all completely fascinating and I definately know who I would like to emulate. Yes, you guessed it... Potpiegirl. Wow, I love the way she writes...she is an inspiration for me. I really liked "The Dam Way" and would recommend it as