
Last Update: April 22, 2010

 Hello to Everyone,

Just wanted to say I read kadcpp's recent blog entry and my heart goes out to him as I personally feel his frustration. I was so excited to join WA and have been experiencing "analysis paralysis" in the last month. Just as I thought I would be ready to take action with all of this knowledge. My significant other decided to throw a huge curve ball at me and now I am looking for a place to move to, another job possibly and another delay in moving forward with IM.

So dealing with everyday survival must take priority at the moment and my ambitions about becoming an amazing affiliate will have to be put on the back burner for a little longer...

When life gives you lemons...do your best to make lemonade. What else can you do. I'll still be checking in here from time to time, it keeps me inspired and my brain stimulated.

All for now.


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cld111 Premium
That is the roller coaster of life, isn't it? So up and down and all over the place. Sometimes it makes you feel high...and sometimes it makes you feel sick! In any case, it sounds like you're doing OK. Hang in there and when you're ready, you'll be back stronger than ever. You will still be that amazing affiliate. :)
Louise M. Premium
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this right now. I do hope you'll feel enough motivation and time to take action and make something out of all this in a while. You'll get all the help you need here, don't hesitate! :)
newwave1972 Premium
As well with you, you have a very good aspect on life. My wife gets mad at me though my favorite saying is that "it is what it is." That's all we can take from it, if you let life rule you then you will go now where though if you take life by the horns throw it on it's a*s you will be able to sleep knowing you gave it a try. Stiff upper lip young lady and keep driving that's why we are survivors.
jatdebeaune Premium
Really sorry that happened. There are always blessings tucked inside of $#%@ that are hard to see at first. I hope your blessings are evident very soon. Even delays can be blessings. You'll be fine.
magistudio Premium Plus
Absorb as much as you can now so you can feel confident to take action. I have every confidence in you that you will succeed in IM. After all... You are a Canadian!