"It's All Good, Mom"

Last Update: May 17, 2010

As always, life tends to swirl in our lives.  Just when it seems that we're going one direction, another something pops up and requires our attention.  In our case the first major change coming (hopefully in October) is my husband aiming to retire.  I say "aiming" because, like the majority of people in this world, we are not overly endowed financially.  We'll see...

In light of his desire to retire at 62 and the financial aspects that will require, we started a business offline (which then went online, of course).  It sounds so easy in reading that sentence, but by the time we got our permits, permissions and supplies it turned into a rather major project.  We are, however, legal with both the feds and the state, so all is good.

My hubby likes his "happy place" when he gets home from his day job.  That would be his workshop he set up in our basement to hand-pour 100% soy wax candles.  We have, hands down, the best-smelling basement in the neighborhood and probably the entire City of Sheboygan!  Our neighbors love to figure out what scents he's working on as they walk past our open back door.  So, he is busy.

If you are a candle person, please visit:  Home Lite Candles and please give us a try.  Check out the "Internet Only" special offers.

Aside from all that, my body decided it needed another surgical overhaul and I had a nodule removed from my thyroid which also meant that half of my thyroid went the way of "Hazardous Waste".  "No cancer" was the only important words we heard, so it's okay that I wound up with half a thyroid.  As my youngest daughter would say, "It's all good, mom!".  Yes, indeed.

I am, as I write, thinking about how much better my surgical scar looks and how well it's healing.  I was blessed to have an acknowledged expert in such surgery and his work shows the level of skill.  I still, however, think I must look like the victim of a crime who got my throat slit!  "No cancer!"....It's all good.

Somewhere in all of that, I thought maybe WAU was getting kind of lost in the swirling eddy of life, but I was wrong.  I popped in often to use the Keyword research and many more of the tools offered as I made our website.  This is still the best doggone learning site on the web!

We started out selling by word-of-mouth, then decided to set up as vendors at the CR&R Antique and Flea Market at Exit 144 (St. Nazianz & Newton) on I-43 in WI.  We do that on Saturdays and may extend to Sunday if traffic increases.  We keep busy and out of trouble, but now we're doing our best to get our website out there so we can get some internet sales.

Home Lite Candles uses only 100% soy wax, hand-poured by Steve, my hubby, and we use only cotton wicks.  We hope you will come to enjoy the yummy, yummy fragrances we sell. 

It's good to be back - now off to figure out how to pay for some medications I need and check out the medical bills.........ewwwww

"It's all good"


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ellyngeorge Premium
Yes, it is true that soy candles - particularly 100% soy - will burn longer and cleaner than paraffin. The biggest different is that paraffin is a petroleum-based wax and soy wax comes from those wonderful soybeans in the fields. The biggest trick in getting the most out of any soy candle is to make sure your wick is trimmed low. I have a page "All About Soy" that talks about that. Unlike paraffin candles, you burn all of your soy wax instead of just having a hole burn down the middle leaving close to half of the unburned wax along the side of the container. Overall, the quality and burn time are rather incredible.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Ellyn, Hope you're feeling better. Sorry you had to go through that ordeal, but glad it turned out well. Is it true that soy candles last longer than other candles? And do they burn cleaner?