View From The Back Office - Part 2

Last Update: December 28, 2009

The Matrix!  Aha!  A great way to make money, often with little money to start and all you have to do is refer a couple of people, who will then get all excited and refer their required number of people and then you will all cycle...again and again...and you really can get rich! 

Okay, now that we have that brief moment of overwhelming excitement out of the way, let me tell you a couple of secrets that I learned from being on an admin team with a matrix program.

Yes, people can make money on a matrix.  But, once again, there is another aspect of making money with a matrix that probably the vast majority of people online never seem to come across.  

Here's the deal.  Trying to do a matrix that will continually allow you to cycle, if you do it entirely by yourself, will be an uphill battle unless you can recruit as easily as you breathe. Once again, exactly like MLM, your success with a matrix presumes that every last person you refer will do what they need to do to keep it moving.

All you need is one person in your matrix who depends on "spillover" to cycle and your matrix will sit...and sit...and sit.

What is a matrix?  Well, it can be a 2x2 matrix, or a 3x10, or any number of levels the owner decides it should be.  Simply put, a 2x2 matrix means that you must refer two people who will pay money to get into your matrix from your affiliate website and will then refer two people from their own site.  In other words, to fill a 2x2 and for you to personally cycle, you will need a total of 6 people in your downline who will then push you to cycle.  

It is not uncommon to see a "feeder" matrix which essentially is meant to help you cycle easily and quickly using a $5.00 to enter the matrix and then, when you have filled your matrix, you will then "cycle" and receive $25.00.  You can then use that to re-enter the matrix again, or you can use it to get you into a higher-cost ($25.00) program and start cycling there.

The point is, if you choose to go on to the next program and earn your millions (see the tongue in my cheek here), those who cycle out of the lower cost program just like you did will follow you into the higher-priced program.  Whew, I need to take a breath on that one!

Do they all follow you?  Nope.  Will they all wind up cycling at all?  Quite often not.  Why?  Because, the longer the matrix goes, the higher the chance of finding people who do nothing but wait for someone else to do it for them.  That brings up what "spillover" means.

"Spillover" comes from the owner(s) of the matrix.  Basically, it means that the company advertises the company link and people join from that link rather than from a personal affiliate link.  The top is, of course, filled and that means that the next open spot gets the new person whether that new referral came from their referral site at all.

That's all pretty great!  Free referrals, helps you cycle...all is good, right?  

Well, here's the deal.  Think for one minute about how things are controlled - by the owner(s) of the matrix.  That means that "spillover" can be placed at their whim unless they are entirely honest and faithful in their promises.  

The other secret that a lot of people have never run across is the "team build" concept and, in many, many ways it is the only way to go.  That is if the owner of the program accepting the team build lists is honest and if the team build organizer is also honest.  There are many team build organizers out there who I got to know personally during my time in admin who are absolutely honest and approach their team builds with utmost integrity.

A team build can be made up of 100 or more, even into the 1,000's of members.  The team organizer finds new programs where you are required to have "x" number of referrals to earn, or cycle.  They notify their members of the opportunity to join that build and those who choose to participate by paying for one or several spots in the matrix send the organizer the money.

The organizer then contacts the program owner and tells them that they have a group of, let's say, 125 people who want to join the matrix program.  The organizer then agrees to what might be required of their group to join as decided by the owner.

Sometimes that agreement will be that they will receive "x" of additional spots for having brought in the business.  Once everything is agreed, then the organizer either enters all participants via their own or a member's affiliate site.  Or, the owner of the program can agree to have his/her admin enter the teams on their behalf.  That was the way it worked when I was on that admin.

Did the team build members cycle?  Oh, you betcha.  More than not, as we were entering the new team build members, due to their sheer numbers of members alone, they would cycle before we even finished inputting the entire list.  

Here's the deal.  Trying to enter and succeed at making money with a matrix is next to impossible unless you know for a fact that each and every one of your referrals will do what they need to do.  Or, you can join a team build. The team build members kept cycling because each time they cycled, they got payment and another entry into the matrix.

Now, here's a question you may have asked yourself as you have wandered around the web:

"Does it matter if you are in when a program launches?"

Yes, it can matter.  If you are talking about a MLM or matrix, it can make all the difference in what you can earn.  By nature, there always comes a time when either MLM or a matrix can no longer actually produce "spillover" and often they burn out because both models are destined to do so for any number of reasons.

Look at a matrix, even more than MLM, as gambling and don't spend anything you can't afford to lose unless you are one heck of a dynamic recruiter!  

As it turned out, I resigned from admin of a program that, hours later, closed up shop.  People were, as I had suspected would happen, left with having spent money and had earned little or nothing.  

Am I implying the program closed because I left admin?  Not hardly.  I might have been helpful to the owner, but the program hardly hinged on who was answering e-mails.  The three of us doing admin were as shocked as anyone else when the owner closed the program.  

I have not heard anyone wondering about WAU being a matrix because that would be beyond absurd.  However, along with the subject of why WAU is in no way a MLM, I wanted to share some thoughts about matrices while I was at it.

What we have here at WAU is a potential to earn should we choose to promote it.  But, the biggest thing we have going here is learning all about Internet Marketing.  That's the key.  The more we know about the different types of ways to make money on the net, what those choices actually mean and how they work, the more wasted time and agony (and money) we will avoid because we have knowledge.





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captmike Premium
Nice post. I hate to admit it but I've been there. Never again!
Isabelle Premium
Hi Ellyn,

its so late here and my brain refuses to follow you into the Matrix for now =) , but I want to wish you too a happy new year and all the Best for 2010!
magistudio Premium Plus
This is an excellent blog post and I thank you for taking the time to write it all out. This would make an excellent article or PDF report for an optin series.