About EricM
Joined May 2008
What's up everybody. My name is Eric and I am a thirty year old entrepreneur residing in Atlanta, Ga. I have a beautiful wife and daughter who are my number one motivators to succeed. Jesus is Lord over my life and my home. I've been driving tractor trailers for the last eight years, simultaneously trying several different paths in search of my true, God given talents: real estate school, home inspector training, MLM(never again), as well as a few others. I think I finally nailed it with internet marketing.

The wealth that I seek from this venture is not to build my own "kingdom", but to be a blessing to others. I do believe in enjoying the fruits of my labor, but who needs a fifty room mansion.(lol)

Anyway, God bless all of you hard working, honest entrepreneurs out there who are actually DOING something about your future. I guess you all have figured out by now that NO ONE is going to GIVE you a thing. I hope to hook up with some of you and I'll end with two things...one of which is my favorite quote.

"A man(or woman) can take pride in nothing that his blood, sweat, and tears didn't provide for him."

The other is one of the most inspirational videos I have ever laid eyes on. It's only about four minutes long and just scroll down to my blog to check it out! Peace
EricM's Accomplishments

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Regmm6 Premium
What's Up EricM, seen you are from the ATL and just wanted to welcome you aboard and say hello. My wife has family in Atlanta also. Is it ok for me to add you to my buddy list?

God Bless,
Regmm6 Premium
Hello Reggie Again, it's ok for you to add me to your buddy list also.

Regmm6 Premium
What's up Eric, Hope everything is going well with you. Just stop by to give you a little gold and wish you continued success.

EricM Premium
What's up Reggie. Thanks for the gold...here's some right back at you. Peace.
silverlotus Premium
Hi EricM,
I have meaning to send greetings and salutations out to you. I have lived so many places, including ATL, that it is all I can do sometimes not to reach out and just start blabbing about people and cool spots that I know about....that you or other members in other cities know about, etc. Focus, that's our challenge right! So if I can be of any help to you please be sure to let me know. I hope you find you NICHE at WA. God bless you too! Peace.
silverlotus Premium
Hi Eric,
Yes, I do understand. It's called a knowing. It makes total sense. When your channels are open and you are consciously aware.... you know you are centered. You know when something is right because it feels right.It is then that Great things are sure to happen for you. I think it's also natural to feel a little intimidated by the newness of everything but that too shall pass as you navigate your way to a greater understanding of this bold new world of possibilities. Keep us posted.
EricM Premium
Thanks for the message. I too am very excited about WA. It's kind of strange, but I can literally already see myself successful in internet marketing. I can't really explain it because I haven't made my first sale yet, but I'm 100% convinced that I found the vehicle that will take me to the places I knew I could always go. Does that make any sense to you? Anyway, best wishes to you brother and I'm sure I'll see you at the top.
evpstud Premium
I like the way you think man. Entrepreneurs get things done! I couldn't agree more!
EricM Premium
Thanks for the post. I can see from your "about me" that your a go-getter....my kind of people. Your desire to help people is awesome. To an extent, I share those sentiments. I plan to be a blessing to as many as I possible can when I hit my target of $400K per year. Best wishes, see you at the top. I'm gonna add you to my buddy list. Peace
katya Premium
Eric Hi!


-Katya D.
EricM Premium
Thanks for the welcome. Can't wait to see you reach your BIG BIG goals! Peace
mightyone Premium
Welcome to the show bro...
EricM Premium
Thanks for the welcome.