How To Write Superior Quality Content While Getting Top Ranking On Search Engines

Last Update: August 03, 2011

Hello there again! I hope you are keeping cool in this hot hot summer.  If you are that's great, because I have a COOL well over 1000 word blog post for you to read and I think that you are going to love it!

Why are you going to love it? Because it will put to rest all the useless advice tricks that you've heard thus far about keyword density, and how many keywords you need to rank well on Google or any other engines.

Note: Yes, my blog post has my keywords, but my ranking bellow has nothing or almost nothing to do with it.

This blog post is about the result of what I have learned from the best SEO people and from my own application of what I've learned.

This is where I got in Google ranking after my post was one hour old. It was taken from someone else computer on the other side of town, so no way Google knew what I was looking for. And yes,  it's #1 on Google for my keyword search.


This was taken later today 11 hours after posting it. Still #1 on Google and #2 is my blog domain name. If you want to do the same with your blog follow this by reading the whole post here! 2.jpg" height="137" width="399" /> 


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cld111 Premium
Wow, that really was superior quality content. Great tips, thanks so much!
Thank you for the great post!
Barnabus Premium
Syviane ..Thank you for such a great article. I enjoyed reading it very much. As you said writing articles isn't always about the keyword selection. It's about how you use them. Thanks for being part of the WA community. You are a gem.
Ezinewriter Premium
Yes, Joan, 1% is just fine. Remember Google doesn't care anymore how many times you have your keywords in there, even though some people still think that it's the case.
jatdebeaune Premium
Many thanks Sylviane. I didn't know about the techy stuff. Printed your blog in order to refer to it. I've often had just 1% keyword density and ranked well. If you write a long-ish article, it's hard to arrive at 2%, unless you repeat the keyword for literary emphasis, and then it looks reasonable. I'm doing my best to write fat juicy articles. We'll see how folks like them.