Posts by Ezinewriter 39
I know I haven't posted a WA blog in a while, but I thought this was worth it.  Well, this is 2012 and internet marketers are starting to customized their Aweber email templates. As a matter of fact, while I'm not here at WA I hang out with some big numbers out there and I've learned that from them.   So, would you like to know how you can customized your own Aweber email templates so they can look great and very unique versus the very plain and rather ugly template as we know it? &nb
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February 14, 2012
Hello WAers!  Today, you can promote your online biz on my blog!   Yes, that's right. Go ahead and check it out.   =>   You can write a little bit about yourself and even add a link or two from your site.    Affiliate links are not allowed, but you can link  to your site linking to your affiliate link.   In order to do this, you need to have an avatar. The avatar can be either your real picture or a picture of your choice
I know I haven't posted a WA blog in two months, but I thought this one was worth it!  I still receive a lot of emails asking me what is the best article spinner.  Well, I am not going to rewrite my whole post over here, so, if you click over here you will be able to read my answer.  If you are thinking about spending your money on article spinners, then this is a MUST read! Let me know what you think at the bottom of the post on the REAL blog. If you don't have an avatar, from Gr
November 30, 2011
I have been very absent from WA lately, because I’ve been darn busy and life got in the way as well.   To start with one of my beloved 2 cats, Tony, died on October 6.  He had lymphoma and it took him so fast.  I loved him so much that  it knocked me out of doing anything for a couple of weeks, even though I was in a middle of a blog contest which I pretty much blew up because of it.    However, I still learned a lot and most of all, I made some great conne
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September 25, 2011
Hello there, I can confidently say that since I am a member of WA from back in March 2008 I have not asked for help that many times. Today I need your help :) A month ago I applied to take part in a blog contest and all I needed you to do is click to this page and do me the favor to vote for me as  your WA member buddy! When you do I'll give you some gold back as stock permits :)  Thanks for your support. 
September 08, 2011
I am pleased to announce that Joan (Jatdebeaune) WA member has guest posted on my blog. If you want to read a beautiful article just click on the link.  
I just posted this on the forum, but here it is as well, in case you'd miss it. My top-blogger buddy Kiesha Easley is running a HUGE web blogger contest "Surviving The Blog Reality" that any of you can enter if you wish. The contest is sponsored by some internet marketer biggies and will be rolling this early fall. Beside the fact that it will allow you to become better blogger by improving your blogging efficiency and ranking a great deal, Kiesha also has some money rewards in store
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August 23, 2011
Do you want to write a GUEST blog post for my BEST blog? Here is what you do… First, what’s in for you? Well, this blog is increasing in popularity so; you will gain a new audience and potentially more traffic and subscribers.  All in all more exposure! What do you need to do? 1.      Your blog post has to be about “writing techniques” anything that promotes good writing, good content, original content, ideas that you use to inspire your writing, what made
Hello there again! I hope you are keeping cool in this hot hot summer.  If you are that's great, because I have a COOL well over 1000 word blog post for you to read and I think that you are going to love it! Why are you going to love it? Because it will put to rest all the useless advice tricks that you've heard thus far about keyword density, and how many keywords you need to rank well on Google or any other engines. Note: Yes, my blog post has my keywords, but my ranking bellow has nothin
If you want to be associated with your content online, or at least some of it, Google is encouraging you to create your Google profile.  As a matter of fact a Google profile will help Google rank your sites higher and it will also give you more authority as an online author as well. Needless to say that Google profiles rank very high and depending on how popular you are as an author online it is just amazing.  Here is a little story to give you an example of the power of Google prof