Remember Why You Are Writing Articles.
When you have a physical business or store, the livelihood of your business depends on the amount of customers that you have.
It is the exact same thing for your internet business. You need customers. This is why you are writing articles.
When you write an article on a specific topic, people who are interested in that specific topic (niche) will find your article and read it to see if they can learn more about on the subject and get what they are looking for.
This is why short articles are not such a good idea. Your targeted reader will read your valuable 400+ article in about 5 minutes anyway. I know I do!
Once they have read your interesting article, most likely, they will click on your link. To help them do this, you need to make sure that your resource box includes a call to action and a specific anchor text linking to your site.
Underneath that you can also give the full URL of your site using an arrow directing to it such as this ==>. Along with that you can use the best of the best of lures... which is to offer them more info for FREE. But they will get that in exchange for their name and email address.
Don't forget, the ending goal of all this is to have your readers become your 'customers'. Sometimes it will take them to get to know you a little bit better before they decide to buy from you.
Again, this is why you you need to write good content. If you do, they are going to come back to your articles or sites or yours, and eventually they will become your customers.
This will most likely not happen right away. It might take a few articles to convince them.
So, take heart and keep writing those articles and all I mentioned above will happen. It does to me and it does everyday to thousands of article marketers who make money solely with article marketing.