The Myth of the Writer’s Block – How to Cure it?

Last Update: July 26, 2010

Are you suffering with the myth of the writer’s block?  And why do I call it a myth?

 Have you ever tried to talk about a subject you knew well, but no words were coming out of your mouth?  Have you ever tried to talk about something you didn’t know anything at all and be able to say much about? Both answers here would probably be NOT!

 You just cannot be stuck with words if you are talking about something you know well and just cannot say much at all about something you know nothing about.

Many new internet marketers faced with the challenge of having to write articles are fooling themselves into thinking that they have the “writer’s block” If you are one of them, I have good news for you!  You don’t have the writer’s block syndrome; you just have the lack of knowledge syndrome.  And there is a cure for it.  This cure is called reading and getting informed.

 As internet marketers we more than anyone else on the planet have to write about subjects that we didn’t know anything about 2 weeks ago.  Guess what?  In today’s technology getting informed and educated about ANY subject under the sun is EASY.  I promise you that if you read for 2 hours 3 days in a row about any subject that you need to write about, you will have plenty of information to write a good number of articles about.

 How many articles?

 Each time that you are reading on a specific topic about the niche you are getting educated about, write down the title of that topic.  This would be one article, and just go on and on that way.  By the end of the first day (two hours) if you don’t have enough juice for at least 10 articles, I’ll be surprised.

 Get informed, get knowledge, and get educated.  Take only 2 hours, 3 days out of the week and quit thinking that you are affected by the myth of the writer’s block.


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jatdebeaune Premium
You're right as always Sylviane. That's why it is easier to write about a subject you know. Research is a great thing, and you can get informed very fast on a topic. I do better if I have at least a feeling for the subject matter. Me writing about engineering would be a disaster. Put me in the fashion arena and I am at home.