What are the two article types that attract the most readers?
I have been investigating different ways to write articles for directories for quite sometimes now. I have written long articles that were not meant to sell at all, but just to inform and educate, I have written articles that were trying to sell my product pretty heard, and I have written review style articles, presentation style articles and what I call persuasive articles.
Among all the article styles that I have written online with my own two hands and brain (not using someone else) I came to the realization that among all the different styles that I have tested over the years…
Two styles always win hands down.
The number one style that really gets readers is the article that educate the readers without selling them anything and discussing hot topics such as “how to become a leader”, “What are the personality colors”, “How to write an eBook” “what is affiliate marketing” etc… Themes like these will get lots of reads, because they are questions that people want answers to.
However, they may not want to buy. They just want to read a good informative article about something they really want to know, and then go to the next. However, it never fails these articles get lots of readers because the title is very promising of key information.
The other style that I have found out to be working really REALLY well is the article that is written with the SOLE intention of consciously guiding the readers to click on my link as they want more or even buy right now, depending on what I am targeting. The persuasive articles.
Yes, there is a technique to persuasive article marketing and that is what I am trying to convey in my new blog PersuasiveArticleMarketing.com.
These types of articles are just the opposite kind of my informative articles that are more for branding and not trying to sell. Persuasive articles have as a matter of fact very little real information, but they are touching the hot buttons of the reader and therefore they want to read more and click. Those are my articles who really make the money.