What are the Two Fundamental Differences in Internet Marketing

Last Update: September 15, 2010


As internet marketers we have to get into the habit of having many faces and adapt to what kind of market we want to reach.

If you are just trying to sell products (especially physical products) or if you are trying to sell your own internet marketing products (YOU), your approach when writing articles should be very different.

Here are the differences that you need to understand.

When I sell a physical product, most times I don’t even need to write two articles about the same product.  All I do is write ONE article on EZ with the right title and the right resource box and sales will come from that one article.  All I do to that article is building some backlinks here and there.

When you sell a physical product people are not interested in you, they don’t need to build a relationship with you.  All they need is enough info about the product and know where to get it at the best price.  And that is what you give them.

When you are selling yourself, meaning selling your own internet marketing ideas and products, the way you are going to write articles is going to be very different. 

Yes, your articles should sound completely different from the articles you are writing to sell an HDTV for example.  In those articles you need to inform more and sell less.  You need to be viewed as an expert and a helper.  People need to see you often which means that instead of writing only that one article that will sell that HDTV or that sofa you need to write hundreds of articles.  The more the better.

You need to be willing to give away some valuable information for free and willing to help.  This is the way that you will be able to sell YOU as an internet marketer and therefore, your own products or even the ones from other marketers that you refer to your readers.

While selling your own IM products (even if it just your own IM website) on one hand or selling physical products (or other useful products) on the other hand, you should always keep in mind these two differences when writing  your articles.


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Ezinewriter Premium
Thanks, Louise. I know it's crazy, but just looking at your picture, makes me a bit home sick. How is Paris this days? I've got to go back sooooon. It's been too long since I've been back to France.
Louise M. Premium
I so much agree with you Sylviane! I'm glad to read your post, not a lot of people write about this issue but it's indeed important to point out these differences. I'm sure it'll help a lot of people. :)
Ezinewriter Premium
Yes, Joan. I see what you mean and I agree. For example in one of my "phisical products" niche I am this expert "guy" yes, a guy! who knows what he's talking about about with those specific items. In another I am this expert "lady".... but as a whole my articles are still less personal and a bit more on the ... here it is if you want to buy kind of thing. See what I mean? As for my IM article it's a whole different story. It is the ONLY niche where I carry my own pretty unique REAL name and where I do not try to sell.
jatdebeaune Premium
Sylviane, don't you think that sometimes the two converge? If you are selling physical products that are directly related to your area of expertise, doesn't it help to re-enforce your expertise to give buyers confidence in your judgement? What do you think?
This is very helpful, thank you. I am making my start here with selling within Personal Development field as it is what I know and have most enthusiasm for. I know that there are very many other people 'out there' doing the same but am not deterred by that because:
a.I have heard this area referred to as an 'evergreen'
b. Whilst the messages remain the same in this field each specialist will tell it in their own way and therefore provide a style that certain people will like and feel 'speaks' to them personally.

So what you say makes great sense to me. It may not necessarily be that the readers do not 'get it' first time round but that they need to get a 'feel' for the author and so that is why a lot of rapport building needs to be done through frequent offerings of useful info

I would welcome advice from anyone as to the merits of selling physical products though please as I have an open mind to opportunities.