About Faroshuffle
Joined May 2009
Proud father and husband! 10 Year Active Duty US Air Force Veteran! Always felt I was cut out for something bigger in life. Now that I've found WA, I know it's true!

Presently, we live in Orangevale, CA. Next stop...Malibu??
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faroshuffle Premium
One week into WA and I'm lovin' it! I've learned more this past 7 days than I have in several MONTHS of reading through the "NO CHARGE" stuff online...and...it's all so well organized! Thanks Kyle & Carson! I'm looking forward to learning as much as humanly possible!
faroshuffle Premium
LOL, too funny! But that's okay...we all had to start somewhere, right!? LOL
faroshuffle Premium
Keyword research...although fascinating, I believe this one area, choosing a topic and doing keyword research is the bottleneck where all us beginners get caught up. Myself included, I think we've mysticized it too much. I'm going to spend the night going back through ALL the WA posts, tutorials and guides I can find on keyword research and read it all again.
faroshuffle Premium
I think you're right Keith! In fact, to expand on the idea further, I believe we may have to focus (grab your hat!) on what the "MARKET WANTS" and drive the heard to the product! Gee, haven't we all heard that somewhere before? I've got a BUNCH of stuff that are little niches I'm interested in, and some even have some search volume, but not much in the realm of Digital Products and/or Affiliate Programs through physical products. So, we're already learning that "Not all niches are profitable!" LOL Hit me in the head with a brick! I get it! LOL Finally!
faroshuffle Premium
Hey all! Getting ready to leave for work! Just think...in less than a year or so, I could be staying home with my family instead of working graveyard shift to make ends meet! That's all the motivation I need!
faroshuffle Premium
Sounds great Keith, I'll talk to you tomorrow! Sharezone...see...another resource I haven't paid much attention to yet. Wow! Not enough time in the day! Gotta focus!!!! LOL
faroshuffle Premium
Bob, welcome aboard! GLAD to have ya!
faroshuffle Premium
I FEEL a creative storm brewing! I'm sure you've all FELT the same way! Let's all share in the knowledge we've FOUND! :)
michael1 Premium
I am also about to end week one. Whats next I can only imagine. Since I know nothing i'm sure something will be helpful. I hope we can both get to where we want to be as fast as humanly possible! Good Luck and stay in touch!
faroshuffle Premium
Mike, What's up bud! Don't even worry about the technically challenged stuff! LOL If my wife can learn how to use a computer in 3 months after never even turning one on, there's hope, trust me!

If you ever need any help, just drop me a note here in the forums, or send me an e-mail. More than happy to help out any time I can. And...if I can't help, we'll find someone who can. Yeah, we'll make some money...you'll see!

Listen, I'm thinking about starting a small group of us here, maybe half-dozen or so who want to start a campaign together and stick all of our brain power into one pot...if it works out...would you be interested?
faroshuffle Premium
Oh, and BTW, buddy up with me...we'll get there! Trust me! I'm optimistic!!!! LOL
faroshuffle Premium
Hey Mike! Really wanted to touch bases with you and see how your learning process is coming along here at WAU. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help out!
rallenk Premium
Hi faroshuffle...Keith (cocbolo) invited me into the "Exclusive" club... Just wanted to say Hi...

faroshuffle Premium
Hi Bob! Yes! Welcome aboard! PM anytime ya want! Looking forward to sharing! Just to let you know, I'm a Graveyard shift worker, so I respond late sometimes. Be patient! LOL
cocobolo Premium
Hi there faroshuffle, I came by to thank you for the kind post in my sharezone article. And naturally to give you GOLD! Thank you very much for that. Buddies it is!
cocobolo Premium
Good point there. I note that there is a fair bit of software out there to help with KW research, Some free, some not.
I am coming to the conclusion that just because we happen to be passionate about something, does not necessarily make that a good subject to monetize. It seems if we want to make the big wheelbarrow load of cash, then approach it strictly as a business and play with the stuff you like.
cocobolo Premium
Hey faro....just caught your post to JB about the RSS thing. I kind of had an idea what it was some time back, but really did not understand it. Truthfully, I still don't completely. But at least now if I see the logo on a site and want to use it, I at least have an idea what to do. I'm going to use the excuse of old age for not thinking of going to Wiki first, so there. Gold again to you for that!
cocobolo Premium
Good morning faro! Nice day again up here, except the smoke from a forest fire 200 miles away is getting pretty bad. It has even got inside the house this morning! I'm catching on to this RSS thing now, largely thanks to your help. Pus I got some excellent feedback from some of the high up squidoo folks yesterday in their forum. Looks like I might be able to finally get my first lens finished today.
cocobolo Premium
I have an online buddy in California, darned if I can remember the town, but it'll come to me. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago he and the Mrs. had to leave for a couple of days, due to an approaching wildfire. Pretty intense. They stayed with a pal 40 miles away and took pics of the smoke from there. It looked pretty serious. Luckily it only got about 2 miles from where they were, but the smoke was too much.
cocobolo Premium
Sorry to hear about the 'flu. About three minutes ago I did another share zone article. What you just had wasn't the 'flu, it was a BUMP IN THE ROAD. You'll see what I mean. Yeah, JB's idea is great. I like that. Gotta get in touch with her again so we can organize a bunch of us. I'm going to put the word out to a bunch of buddies on my space to see if they want to hop on board. Tomorrow I am going to try lens number 2. Plus I need to get a few articles written to start promoting. Plus I have a killer domain name registered to promote Wa, plus...oh, never mind.
cocobolo Premium
Test...your post isn't working
cocobolo Premium
Sorry to hear about the 'flu, but that wasn't really what you had. It was a BUMP IN THE ROAD. I just finished another share zone article in the "strictly for us newbies" series. You'll see what I mean about the bump. I just went down and read your blog, which I neglected to do before. Definitely a go on the get together, ties right in with JB's idea as well. And why stop at one JV? What's wrong with 10, 100.... I see it's past midnight, so I better hit the sack before I turn into a pumpkin.
cocobolo Premium
Now all of a sudden, they all come up....grrrrr
cocobolo Premium
So you got the Nikon. I got the Canon Rebel and a batch of lenses. Once in awhile I attach mine to one of my telescopes for doing astrophotos. Still have not got that down pat yet. The sky moves too fast for me to keep up!
But I did get some terrific pics yesterday out in the bay. I spent much of yesterday working on the cabin and watering the garden. Got another lens up, took me WAAAY less time than the first one. Still much work to do.
I'm going to send a few PM's out to potential "club" members. Talk later.
faroshuffle Premium
Hi Keith! You're so very welcome brother! Thank you for the gold! I'll pay it forward! I'm looking forward to expanding our worlds and earning some money for our lives and families! It must be really amazing living on an island...troublesome at times, I'm sure, but overall...amazing!
As I work through the coming weeks, if I can be of any help, you be sure and let me know!
Sorry it took me all day to get back to you, but I'm a graveyard shift worker and I sleep during the day. Talk soon!
faroshuffle Premium
Hey Keith, I think this may help a little bit on the RSS question. I just did a wikipedia search and it provided this data. Take a look. It's a bit of technical speak at first, but I think it begins to demystify some of it for me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rss If this link doesn't work, go to www.wikipedia.org and type RSS in the search box. That should take you to the same page. Let me know if that helps!
faroshuffle Premium
I know, just when you think we're wrapping our minds around this stuff, another new term pops up! Gold right back at ya!
faroshuffle Premium
Keith, wow, good for your! You're ahead of me then! LOL I've not messed with RSS yet. But I will be! Sorry to hear about all the smoke from the fire! It's happened here in California, as well, so I can relate. I just crawled out of bed at 6pm and will be getting ready for work in just a bit. Thought I'd log on and say hello! I'll go through the forums some more later tonight. Talk to ya later!
faroshuffle Premium
Hi Keith!!! I'm back!!!! LOL, got hit with a 24 hour stomach bug yesterday. I'm feeling better now though...wow, I HATE being sick!!!! Gotta catch up with everyone. I like the idea of us forming a little group, clique, or study group...whatever we call it. I'm in if you guys are! Just say the word! What a VIEW you've got there on the island! WOW! Last year, I bought my first REAL camera...Nikon D80 with a set of lenses. Been taking all kinds of pictures...the wife thinks I'm a Tourist! LOL
Jabez Premium
Hello Faroshuffle,
I think you will enjoy the learning process here at WA. Lots of folks willing to help. An enormous amount of reading material. The beauty about WA is that it travels with you.
I lived in the Sacramento Area (near McClellan AFB) for almost 30 years. It was a great place to live, but when I retired, I headed back to the South. I've got Southern Blood, and happy to be home again. Best of luck to you.
faroshuffle Premium
J, thanks for the welcome! I look forward to sharing and learning with you guys!!! Sacramento is nice, but I miss my home state of West Virginia! LOL...someday!