About Fayecraig
Joined December 2008
Im a newbie and cant wait to get started with WA. I presently work a full time job with a husband and a small daughter. I truly want to help to create a better lifestyle for my family. I also want to do something that I truly think I will enjoy. I cant wait to learn everything there is to learn and meet new people with the same dreams as I. fayecraig
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TJ Books Premium
Hi, Faye! Nice family! Welcome! This is the place to Learn to Earn! So, do your lessons and do your tasks including the use of the tools and tutorials. Make friends to help you. John
johnson1506 Premium
Hi, Welcome to WA! Good Luck! Let me know if I can help. J.
fayecraig Premium
HI everybody,
Im new and would really like to meet some newbies just like me. Of course more experienced members are welcomed as well. Please feel free to introduce yourselves to me. Cant wait to meet you!!!
ToksickLogick Premium
First and fore most, welcome to WA. Second i would like to answer some of those questions you had for Drew. I believe it is only the kind thing to do. Drew is a great marketer, but he has also taught me some great things along the way, including how to's on getting started.

Your first question, if im hearing you correctly, is about starter tips.
Well there are so many to say,but ill focus on the few that are most critical to me. Number one, don't give up even if it seems hopeless. It's not all that difficult.

Number two, Keep posting in the forum. Any questions you have will most likely get answered. It is a great knowledge base.

Number three, Keywords! the internet Marketers life operates around keywords. research thoroughly!

As for KlrRiders Tutorial I say it is too much work, i would just buy a domain and register it with WA free hosting, then proceed to get the wordpress plugin. ( a really simple plugin to construct a site) a go from there.

Squidoo is a great start!
Good luck!
ToksickLogick Premium
don't forget to share the wealth! here is some gold!
fayecraig Premium
Hi Harrison,
I truly appreciate the information. I have been busy getting ready for the holidays. I am taking my time and going through the lessons. Im only on week 3. ITS ALOT!!! I will get it and make this work for me. I appreciate everything, (especially the gold!) Will keep you posted. Thanks again!!!! Fayecraig
klrrider Premium
Hi Faye and welcome to WA. IMing is real satifying and this the a great place to learn the skills. Work hard and keep posting!

click the pics to reply or get buddies!
fayecraig Premium
Hi KlrRider,
I really want to thank you for "Newbie Jump Start." It was really helpful and made me feel like I could really make things happen. I am really anxious and overwhelmed. I know it will all make since too me in time. I think once Im done with my Action Plans I will deal with Clickbank and article writing. I visited Squidoo and it was very confusing. Do you use that program? Faye
fayecraig Premium
Hi klrrider,
I finally have a moment from my "3" yr old! She is a something else! Keeps me going. I have set up my personal domain to send traffic to with wealthy affilate can you tell me how I can use a affiliate program like Clickbank and do the same thing. I am new and all of this is just so new to me. I have a good idea but I truly dont want to make any mistakes. Do I purchase a "cool domain" that is specific to every product that I will be promoting??? Help! Thanks in advance. Faye