About Fightingon
Joined October 2009
Success and finest perfection, following a lifetime of failure and damage. Trying my darned best to be light-hearted. 'Focus on the mission soldier' my motto. Poetry, Guitar with voice, Songwriting, Mysticism, Compassion, World Vision child sponsorship (my greatest success in life), Inspiration, Childish romance (hopefully!), Internet marketing, 12 step (not related to any addiction), Researching, Movies, TV, Being a Muso, Darkness/Neutrality/Light, Accessing priveleged info, Dreaming of glory, Twilight and piano lyric song writing.

The photo on the left enlarged:


My loving gift to the world and to you:


My fav song, which I daydream is about my break-up with failure.


Chris Daughtry - No Surprise
Fightingon's Accomplishments

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idm Premium
I just wanted to say that what you wrote in your bio moved me. You're not alone friend. I think you're going someplace fast just remember why you're doing it and follow your feet.
Fightingon Premium
Thank-you so much. Should I post it in General discussion as well? Or should I just leave it here?
Fightingon Premium
I posted - I'm proud of myself for being brave and giving something to the world, I added a poem and some songs, and some old English in the title, I know a bit.
idm Premium
Hey buddy.
idm Premium
Thanks that's a big compliment to me. I wasn't always this way. I was very negative in the past. It was like being inside a room without doors or windows that I couldn't see out of. Something let me out eventually and now I'll never go back.
Fightingon Premium
Thanks for helping me to keep going and identifying with me. You got a really pure outlook on life, unlike a lot of people who aren't really as simple as us.
Fightingon Premium
You said: "Right now I have "almost nothing." This is a good place to be. Nothing to lose!" Absolutely right. Don't give up, I see you.
Fightingon Premium
I've made too many mistakes in my life to judge the bitter past of a wonderful person (you are that person). But if I hadn't made those mistakes, I wouldn't know the beauty and depth of a life without happiness, and I would be more ordinary. The one thing I never wanted to be was ordinary, so I have already succeeded, I just need to take a few more steps to claim my reward for my success. I've always said it's just a few more steps, but eventually it is. ^__^ You are successful too.
Eloise Premium
Ok just quickly want to update my site then we are off. Be positive and be cool! That song is stunning
Fightingon Premium
Here's another - this one's for you, listen to the words.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8ClzqUq9kg 'Take that - Rule the world (Stardust version)'
I have a dream sometimes, that I'm going to paint someone's name in the sky with real stars, and fireworks whose colours have not been seen on Earth. Maybe that's you. I dream that that song is about my dream. ^__^ Or maybe I'm just dreaming, we'll see someday on the edge of time.
Fightingon Premium
Oh and just ignore the video, the lyrics are really the only meaningful thing, maybe try the official vid if it's available. But it's nice entertainment.
Fightingon Premium
I picked that vid because the official vid might be n/a plus it takes too long to sing at the start
Fightingon Premium
Plus I love the imagery
Eloise Premium
hello my dear friend, I hope you have a great weekend and yes put up a pic!
Fightingon Premium
In our comms with me not being here for a while and you getting really worried, I realise now that you are very fragile, very sensitive and very light-filled. People who laugh at the spiritual part of you can't really see what those three things add up to (more than I've seen in anyone else, including those who are rock hard in good) - someone very, VERY successful in the most important ways of all, and you might have failures in that field if you know what I mean, all people like that do and it adds up to a lot of failures, even though a lot of the time one is a success, but of course I don't know much about it, I'm just covering my bases, but all of that pales in comparison to that light you've shown me...so walk tall Eloise, you've earned it. Just talking to you heals a lot of darkness, pain and damage in me, like you are reaching your hand out to lift me up without knowing it, and I want to thank you sincerely, I'm not perfect but you are helping me embrace light even in the darkest dungeon.
Fightingon Premium
I feel so anxious all the time, I don't know what is wrong with me. God help me please...