About Findingfocus
Joined February 2009
Hi my name is Teri,

These are my grand babies. They live in the deep south of the US and i live here in the northeast of the US. They are part of my motivation to learn this IM thing so i can visit them more often. It is so tough when family is scattered.
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EverGreenGirl Premium
Hey I like your pic! If you're new, you may not know that your own entries can be put in your blog spot at the bottom instead of your buddy talk section. Then you can let buddies leave their messages here for you.
Sounds like you are here with a goal and a purpose. Never lose sight of it and you will make it!
findingfocus Premium
Hello to everyone and thanks for being my buddy
findingfocus Premium
I found myself busy all day yesterday with things I had to complete around the house. I kept telling myself it was ok to miss one day of WA. It's strange how this is starting to be one of the best part of my days. I am currently working full time, but I am hopefuly that if I stick with this I will eventually be able to for myself. During the week I am finding I get through my job, come home to dinner and then I usually can't wait to get on line to come to WA. I have read so much learned a few things, and I look forward to that day when I can actually start putting things into action. Thanks to all great WA members.
findingfocus Premium
So to any of the other newbies out there I just found the task and goals tool. What a great tool. It's amazing that I seem to find more and more things on my dashboard everyday I am here. I finally get to start my second week and I took a look at the list WOW its going to be quite a week. Hope everyone is having a great evening. Its snowing around here again. Can't wait for spring to show up.
findingfocus Premium
Which is the best place to go and ask for folks to review my squidoo? Here or the forums
Kirst Premium
Hi Teri
How things going at WA?
I know what you mean when family is scattered. I live in Japan - the other side of the globe from S.Africa!!!
So my motivation is to get meself there and back as often as I want as well as my hubby, and family.
strong motivation behind me.
Anyway, just popping in to say hi and to see how sales and life at WA is going since you joined about a month after me!
findingfocus Premium
Hi Kirst, I have a strange problem. I was promoted in the company I work for which should be considered great and i am grateful, but it has taken a toll on my time and energy to keep up with my goals for WA. I am trying to revamp my schedule to find more time. I have been working on my own site but the progress is slow. I wish you the best.