The Next Step

Last Update: July 18, 2012
I have been at WA for about 8 months now and have learned much and have much more to learn yet. As they say the learning never stops and how true that can be, of course it really depends on what you are wanting to learn and do with your new found knowledge.

I have learned much of the basics and a step beyond the basics, in that I can in general layout a decent website, pick decent kw & domain name (although mistakes have been made). I have a generaly good idea on writing for my site above fold and a few little tricks (as I would call them) using buttons and calls of action, site SEO, how to get backlinks (relevent of course) and in general get my site indexed and started on the way up the ranks.

I have written a few articles and I am getting a good handle on the different types of writing styles and try to mix and match each with my writing adventures ( I enjoy the articles). Have a good idea what quality content is and how powerful it can be for your site.

Plus all the little things that you just pick up along the way it has amazed even me. There is no doubt WA and the community are a big part of my knowledge base.

With all that said, not clainming to be an expert by far but I am getting the hang of this IM Ido see myself progressing and most of the time for the better. Although I am not without my fair share of site problems and technical situations that I just do no know.

This is where I sit now and not to say I know all there is to know but enough to get to where I want to go basically ( with a little help of course), still more to learn in all those departments.

I am venturing off into the techy stuff, first time into ftp the other day, of course I had some help but at the same time I even impressed myself, it worked and my site is still

Starting slowly to get some more Css knowledge and make use of it to design easier and better sites, very slow but it will get there, when first started I knew not of article marketing I heard of it but did not really understand it.

My whole point to this blog is the progession that has occured in my time here at WA and it all has been moving me forward all the time. (some rough road, but not to rough)

I have allways started something and learned a lot about it and asked a million questions on it, try to get a good understanding of the one aspect then start the next do not get carried away with trying to much at once, although it is hard not to want to get to the end sooner than later.

What you need to see is progess in one area than move on, no sense in moving on until you understand what have been doing. The whole point is to learn not just to copy for thought....
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Deezdz Premium
" venturing off into the techy stuff, first time into ftp the other day, of course I had some help but at the same time I even impressed myself, it worked and my site is still"

Too funny because this could have been me writing this line!

Isn't it amazing when you look at how far you've come and everything you've learned and even impress yourself at what you can do and accomplish. Give yourself a lot of credit Tim. Although you have all the support, knowledge, tools and help here at WA, it's YOU taking action and implementing it. :)
fishing Premium
Yes it is you would have thought getting this far....but hear we are.....thanks Deezdz
georgejhaas Premium
Great blog post! I agree with you totally. When I first started I was so overwhelmed I did not know where to start. By the way, there are more tools today in WA than when I started in 2009. Being part of this community does in a sense make me feel good because I know that I am not the only one who feels like me. Everyone here all started from ground zero, and made success by following certain guidelines and they are willing to share their successes with us. What a great deal! Good luck in your future in WA.
fishing Premium
It is deffenetly a long road and knowing others have traveled it before does help...thanks for the comment