As The End Of The Year Approaches..

Last Update: December 20, 2009

As this year comes to an end I thought I would share with you a bit of how it has been for me so far.

I joined WA in September 09, and though haven't made much progress yet (financially) , the information I've been getting here is priceless. I was a REAL newbie-still am- in fact, I have never heard of Article Marketing, Forum Marketing, ClickBank or anything like that.  (I know, funny but true)

I had briefly joined other IM programs before  but left quickly, dissapointed and frustrated and with nothing to show for in terms of knowledge.  I tried running an online store business and lost all my money. No support and no idea what I was doing (this happened back in 2005)

WA ha been an eye oppener for me. Just exploring the vast sea of 'new' sources of ideas and opportunities has been refreshing, motivating and challenging.

Like most of us here I am sure, I am reflecting of the year gone by and thinking of the new year ahead.  Will the recession continue, will it worsen or improve? No one knows for sure. The media and the politicians will always lie to us.  I decided to ignore the news-for the most part- and continue forward with my goals and dreams, oblivious to the economy news. There's more to a recession than meets the eye,  and more to economic growth than what we read on the news paper. At the end of the day,  it is still US taking care of US.

And that's the way it should be if we are to live in a free country, right?...but let me not get political and end this post on a positive note, and wish you all at WA a wonderful Holiday Season and a great 2010!


P.S- I was having a panic attack..there's no spelling check feature here..Oh, great :)





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