Stick With A Good Thing!

Last Update: May 25, 2010

I'm coming up on my 1 yr anniversary here at WA, for the second go around.  Yes, I let people in my head and threw in the towel right after the the membership increased to $39.  For some reason I didn't think I was getting enough out of WA.

That was a big mistake.  One I learned from.   Coming back to WA was the best thing this old gal could do.  You don't have to hit me on the head twice to realize that this is the best learning center out there.  

With everything that is offered here, thanks to Kyle and Carson, I have gained more knowledge than I could hope for. (or have gotten on my own)  I'm not reeling in the big bucks, yet, but I will.   Damn right I will!  

So, for those people who are bucking the fact that membership will be going up in June, stop being so negative!  Be proud that you are a part of this amazing learning experience.   Stay focused on your work, motivate others, and  enjoy the ride.  

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maureenhannan Premium
Thanks for the dose of perspective and positive spirit. And congrats on the 1 year anniversary!
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on your 1year anniversary with the WA family!