About Fortune_smiles
Joined June 2010
I have been surfing the Net almost since it began. I've been trying, in a haphazard way, to make money online for about 3 years.

I just spent a year laid off and trying to get enough website work going to pay the bills, but have recently taken a job to pay the bills (and moved all the way across the country to do so).

I believe in the ability to make money on the Net and I believe that WA is one of the most credible sources anywhere for learning how to do so.

I don't need to make magic money ("6 figures in 60 days!") but I do need to start creating a consistent income and I want to replace my current income as soon as possible. I'm going to chuck over all the rest of the email lists that I get and focus on learning how to do affiliate income with WA.

So long, Facebook and Twitter! For now, I'm going to be spending my time here.
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Jacq Premium
Thanks for adding me. Welcome to WA. All the best! :)
danny90 Premium
thanks, my pup is truly spoiled!
FatWallet Premium
Welcome to WA!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Sherion Premium
Hi and Welcome to WA! Feel free to add me as your buddy.