Firefox Saves the Day

Last Update: June 13, 2010

For my "regular" work, I need to continue using IE (AKA the Spawn of Satan), so when I first signed up with WA, I did so using it.  Since then, I've been trying to create a first post for this blog and have continuously been getting an error which Stingray777 accurately described:

When I click on "create a new blog post", I get a "please wait" box which just goes on forever. If I try to type something in the Blog Title box and click save, I get the following error: Server failure. Please copy and save your work somewhere and try again later

As he discovered, the solution is Firefox.  I moved all of my favorites into bookmarks and hey, presto!  It works!

 Onward and upward!

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fisheagle Premium
My Internet Explorer swallowed my Firefox Whole! One day I'm using it and all is great the next day it is GONE, disappeared from my system! Currently using Google Chrome..............really need to get away from Google!
jatdebeaune Premium
I had the same experience with Explorer. Firefox has been great.
Sherion Premium
Thanks for info.