About Fourty6to3
Joined December 2008
Hi there,
My name is Benjamin and I'm from California. I'm 23 years old and work as an electrician. As of now, I am just learning about IM and its potential. I will continue writing this after I complete my first week in the 8week program!
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Ezinewriter Premium
Hi Benjamin and Welcome to WA!
TJ Books Premium
Welcome! Work Hard! John
Fourty6to3 Premium
markey10s Premium
Welcome.....I can honestly say you made the right choice! READ, DIGEST, LEARN, APPLY and you can say good bye to working for the man!
Fourty6to3 Premium
Thanks alot for the inspiring words!
Ghost Premium
Welcome aboard buddy! If there's anything I can help you out. you know what to do. Get at ya boy. and Keep it pimpin! :)
Fourty6to3 Premium
haha for sure man.. I just set up a domain to redirect here with my id >:D