
Last Update: May 31, 2012
Sawubona from South Africa! I've just discovered WA - after spending far too much on other programs. I'm an American expat who has been living in South Africa, with my British husband, for the past 17 years. How time flies! It seems only yesterday we arrived in this distant land that was still euphoric over the end of apartheid and basking in the glory of the first successful democratic election that spirited Nelson Mandela into the office of President of the Republic of South Africa. Things are a little different now, however. Mr. Mandela will turn 94 in July and has just retired to his boyhood homeland. His successors have not come anywhere close to being able to fill his shoes, and the climate in the country is rather 'edgy.' There are so many stories to tell and experiences to share. My goal is to create an internet business that somehow ties in with my life here in South Africa. I have a lot of learning and exploring to do before that gels and takes shape, but I'm looking forward to the journey!
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Mindbridge Premium
Welcome aboard Gail. Love you story. There is good training here, and I hope you make the best of it. There will be plenty of questions and we have lots of answers.
BIS Premium
Hi Gail. Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate. I wish you every success in developing you new internet business. If you have any questions do make use of the Live Chat.

Good luck

Sielke Premium
Welcome, I like that idea of building something that ties in with your life. Plus one of my favorite surfers (Jordy Smith) is from South Africa.
Gail Hough Premium
yea i heard about the bodyboarder that was killed about a month or so ago. i've seen the waves there and would love to go but South Africa is well known to be shark kingdom
Sielke Premium
yea i heard about the bodyboarder that was killed about a month or so ago. i've seen the waves there and would love to go but South Africa is well known to be shark kingdom
kyle Premium Plus
Sawubona! (I am assuming that means hello).

It is great to have you here at Wealthy Affiliate! It sounds like you have a lot to share and a lot of knowledge that will be of great benefit within your Internet business. Lots of really awesome people here at Wealthy Affiliate so if you ever have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
Gail Hough Premium
Yes, it's hello in Zulu. Thanks for the welcome and the encouragement. I'm sure I'll have my fair share of questions once I get stuck in!
kyle Premium Plus
Awesome, just let us know! :)
veronica.l Premium
Welcome to WA, always wanted to go to South Africa, one of these days :)
Gail Hough Premium
Thanks, and when that little guy is a bit older, he will absolutely love going on safari!
veronica.l Premium
Yes he loves animals, lions is his big thing! We have actually talked about it and when he is older we will go, where would you recomend to go? Do you know of any good companies that does the safari? For this summer we will have to settle for Sweden :)