Focus Focus

Last Update: June 03, 2012
I need to focus on this job. Way too many distractions going on around me. I have a quiet place - BUT - there is no internet. Hard to develop an internet marketing business without the internet. Maybe I should write articles in my quiet place and then when I have internet publish them. The hard part is no searching for facts.
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garethb Premium
When I meant no internet I meant developing my web site is hard to do without internet. No real issue with research.
Labman_1 Premium
Have you looked into a WAMP server. It will allow you to develop your site offline and upload the results when a connection is available. There are several tutorials that were recently done on the subject. Just search the training area.
Labman_1 Premium
They have this thing called the Library. Yeah it's a bit harder to use than the Internet but you would be amazed at all the information that is in that place. Quiet too.
Sometimes they even have a connection to the internet.
BIS Premium
Not having the internet can be seen as an opportunity to work more efficiently.. The internet can also act as a distraction. I don't know what your niche is, but you don't always have to do lots of research to write quality articles. Also if you do some research try to make sure that you use the information for sever articles. If you look through the list of Webinars Jay has produced one on writing quality content. This might help.

Best wishes

ThomasPaul Premium
That's what I do sometimes. I'll actually write the content out for a webpage in a notebook. I find that I don't suffer from writer's block nearly as much when I'm writing with a pen as opposed to typing on the computer.

As far as the research goes, you can outline what you want to write about, research your facts, and take notes. Then you can go to your quiet place and write without the distractions.
Good advice ThomasPaul, I am challenged with staying focused when typing on the computer. I suddenly find myself looking at something online (hey, that's shiny!!). Too many shiny things to look at and be distracted by.