YAY - another baby Step

Last Update: June 19, 2012
I finally wrote my 1st 400+ word article and published it on StreetArticles.com.

Within 2 hours I was on page 6 with one keyword and 1st on page 2 with another keyword.

Not bad considering I had no pictures and haven't put in any links.

It was tough but I did it. YAY!!!

Thanks Kyle for the great info.
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ThomasPaul Premium
Wow, that's awesome! Congratulations and keep on trucking!
jchilders Premium
Congrats. The writing gets easier the more you do it. The first articles you do in any niche will probably take awhile while you research things. As you learn more, you can write faster.
Shawn Martin Premium
Way to go!! keep them coming.
@RICH. Premium
Great post Gareth, inspiring. I'm about to blog the opposite!
jpnetco Premium
Good job.