Allowing Writers To Be Writers

Last Update: December 11, 2009


    Can Article or Blog journalism even survive, let alone thrive on “passion” alone? Though passion is crucial in the initial stages of new media development, be it running a blog or an internet article site, it can never sustain the momentum for long. Until now there where no sites that allowed their writers to monetize, their articles with out going to another page or site. But Wealthy Affiliate Article Magnet has a different concept, that will allow their writers to monetize their own articles in one place.
    Will article sites that are run for a profit ever go far, because they depend chiefly on their enthusiasm and passion which will fade with time as the person that started the blog or article site looses their passion. There again that is where Wealthy Affiliate Article Magnet comes in to play. Because there are several writers(150). Limited at this time. The content of the site is quality because all members are the editors, of new post.
    Even for those who are really passionate about blogging, or writing articles they cannot afford to spend all their time and energies on it because they will be unable to feed themselves based on the advertising revenue alone. That is why Wealthy Affiliate Article Magnet will allow their writers to do their advertizing on their own articles. In turn that brings in more readers and gives the writers time to concentrate on the quality of their writing and not worry about advertising.
    Again, popular composite sites run by a team of  writers can only continue as long as the writers are passionate to write for them, but as we all learn from the lessons of life, nobody will take their part-time pursuits seriously unless they can offer them a secure livelihood. Wealthy Affiliate Article Magnet again provides the ability to earn a living for those who are passionate about writing.
    Surely we must have the initial passion to sustain the site for long, but we cannot go on like this indefinitely. We must have a proper system in place to ensure that the site is self-sufficient in terms of funding and quality material in the long run. There are sites that are beginning to use the Idea of allowing writers to advertise in there own articles. That is  the beginning of a new media outlet for article marketers. The cost of doing this is very inexpensive. One such site is Wealthy Affiliate Article Magnet. They will allow their  subscribers to post there articles with an  product ad that the article is reviewing or the article is  promoting. This is a new concept for article marketing, this seems to be a win win situation.
    We need to develop a viable business model to generate adequate revenue not only to maintain the site, but to further develop and expand on it as well. Bloggers and article writers like us are continuing our uphill task to counter the domineering influence of the mainstream media, because we believe that our articles truly can supply the need to our readers and also believe our voice could make a difference in another persons life. Then the Wealthy Affiliate Article Magnet site should help to creating wealth for their members.
    Readers visit our site because they are sick and tired of what is being covered and reported by the so called GURU media sites, but quality journalism comes at a price. Are our readers willing to pay for it?     
    At one point or another, we will have to make our readers pay for an in-depth critique, an interview or a video clip. We now have to get our readership up to 3,000 to 5,000 readers a day. Imagine if 1,000 of your readers are willing to pay $5 a month/or per article to support us, we will be able to go very far.
    Most importantly, it is time that Bum Market  journalists awake from their slumber and provide the leadership so desperately needed in the new Blog/Article world and social media.
    Of course there is a price for everything in life. Trained, qualified and experienced journalists will not write for us unless they are properly compensated at market rates. In fact, we may even have to pay more to entice them to cross over to our side.
    So at the end of the day, it all boils down to you & the readers. You are the real masters, bosses and owners of your Blogs and Articles, or Review Site. You are the ones who shall decide your destiny. Will you stagnate and disappear from the new media scene altogether or
will you continue to grow from strength to strength? Where is your  passion? It depends chiefly on the degree of support you can garner from yourself.
    Free our minds from the shackles that the GURU media has imposed on us and allow our voices to achieve true greatness by harnessing the potential, energy and talent of every Article and Blog we have !
    This is where The new concept of Wealthy Affiliate Article Magnet, can and will be beneficial. Because they will allow all writers to grade or rate other writers articles before the articles are posted to the web then the article writer will benefit from the other writers and their opinion.  

Wealthy Affiliate Article Magnet Allowing Writers To Be Writers



Thank you for reading Please feel free to critique and make any suggestions be for I put it out on the net.


Thanks GARRD

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Wealthy Affiliate Article Magnet is not live yet it is still in the developing stages.


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