Educate yourself and choose success

Last Update: October 10, 2009

Change your mind,stretch your mind, think like an entrepreneur! Change your mind = changing your world, there is nothing wrong with wanting more out of life Align yourself with the natural flow of prosperity and educate yourself. It is your life own it.  What are you looking for? What do you REALLY want?

You see Entrepreneurs take business opportunities very seriously. Serious Entrepreneurs d not wait for opportunities to come to them. They study their environment and opportunities to get involved with. What opportunities have you passed up by not studying your action plan?

Opportunity counts for so much in the business world. Whenever you encounter one, you need to grasp it and submit it to your will. Are you making your will submit to the opportunity you have, or are you letting it slip away?

Here are some Entrepreneurs views on how to take advantage of business opportunities.

Seduction: You need to properly seduce a  business opportunity. With one wrong move you could see your opportunity fly out of your grasp.

Examples:  Not studying, I will do it tomorrow, I am to tired, do you get the idea?

Did you use these excuses when you were hunting for that special someone? Or when you want that new gadget and your favorite store is sold out.

You need to study this opportunity. Is the opportunity mysterious?  What is it hiding? Does it hit your WoW factor? What can you do to bring that opportunity towards you?

Seduction of the business opportunity is a game of balance. You cannot be to eager or the opportunity will pull away. You cannot be aloof or lazy because you are not the only Entrepreneur looking for that new thing to snag up. You have to treat it with the proper respect. Ater all you are the one who needs the opportunity.

Prey:  Some Entrepreneurs are in to the hunt, hunting has just as much thrill as grabbing it up, and making it their own. These type of entrepreneurs watch their environment, hoping for that next opportunity. Constant vigilance is their creed, noting will stand in their way. In this mindset, you gain the instinct of the hunter.

You become very competitive in terms of taking hold of business opportunities, leading you to your success. There are times when this mindset can lead to your downfall. You get tided up doing the hunt and getting the thrill out of that you, you forget to take care of the opportunity you have in your hand. You must take care of the opportunities you have in your hand in order for it to be of any use to you.

Planting: Entrepreneurs look at opportunities as if they are planting a garden, plant, water, cultivate, patients, harvest. In each one of these steps there are other steps you need to take, like planting, can you throw your good seed on the ground and think it will grow, NO you need to work the ground first (Research).

Watering- You must take the time and energy to advertise your opportunities.

Cultivate: Pull the weeds out of your seedlings, (what ads are not working for you)? 

Patients: This can be the hardest part of all. We all want too get every thing NOW and in this business that is not going to happen. You must have patients or you could let a great opportunity go before it have grow into harvest time.

Harvest: HEEE HAAA $$$$ in the bank.





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